evangelical造句61. But the interpretation of Old Testament prophecies involved in the assessment of this evangelical heresy is as important and timely today as Allis found it to be then.
62. The latter is the meaning evangelical Protestants give to the word Christian.
63. America's Evangelical Lutheran church voted to allow gays and lesbians in long-term relationships to serve as members of the clergy, the largest mainline Protestant denomination to do so.
64. This website is are owned by Yaumatei Wendell Church , the Evangelical Free Church of China.
65. She completed her studies at the Evangelical Bible Institute in 1999.
66. Eg. For all his gruff heartiness , there must lurk inside him the soul of an evangelical preacher.
67. Boulder Chinese Evangelical Free Church welcome you visit our site.
68. Evangelical businessmen form networks such as the Business Leadership and Spirituality Network.
69. It possesses a profound evangelical ancestry : Christ says many times: " Watch " ( Matt. 26:41 ).
70. Our Church is a nondenominational evangelical church ministered by pastor and deacons.
71. "The historian has to take into account that Jesus' opponents conceded that he did perform miracles," notes F.F. Bruce of Manchester University in England, a leading evangelical exegete.
72. Some evangelical Christians are starting to reckon with the failings of the preaching-and-pledging approach.
73. The hypocritical religious fervor of the headmaster, Mr. Brocklephurst, is based partly on that of the Reverend Carus Wilson, the Evangelical minister who ran Cowan Bridge.
74. Regent Christian Academy is a private, co - educational, college preparatory, evangelical Christian school.
75. Scripture alone is the inerrant rule of the church's life, but the evangelical church today has separated Scripture from its authoritative function.
76. An editor with an evangelical enthusiasm for a project, and me, a perennially single and somewhat cynical relationship flunky with a lust for newsprint column inches.
77. Niehuhr's conception of individual is the fruit of his defense on Christian evangelical individualism. This defense combined his critics of various modern thought, and provided a bas...
78. Three of them, a Catholic, an evangelical Christian, and an Orthodox Jew, were devoutly pro-life.
79. Other Christian societies total about 4.5% (the Evangelical Lutheran Free Church, the Catholic Church, Pentecostal congregations, the Methodist Church, etc.).
80. Many evangelical Protestants think them heretics — the ruder ones regularly heckle Mormon conferences.
81. Thus, dispensational theology made a lot of sense to both Pentecostal and evangelical believers at this point in history.
82. There had been a tremendous revival of fundamentalist religion, mainly Methodism, in England, and this evangelical enthusiasm spread itself into the interests of the empire.
83. They are pushing their ideas with an almost evangelical fervor.
84. A team of evangelical Christian explorers claimed they'd found the remains of Noah's ark beneath snow and volcanic debris on Turkey's Mount Ararat (pictured) in April.
85. The greatest oppositional base is among evangelical Protestants, not Catholics.
86. For the most part, we are a thoroughly secularized lot, all the more skeptical of God-talk given the rise of fervid evangelical power blocks at home and abroad.
87. Mr Bush is a convert to an evangelical Christianity that emphasises emotion—particularly the intensely emotional experience of being born again—over ratiocination.
88. That evangelical Anglican, because he was trusted by the larger evangelical world –endorsed by Billy Graham –introduced a whole generation to a sovereign God and the doctrines of grace.
89. At least one church in the City has had a poor take-up for its redundancy counselling sessions, however. An evangelical church has had almost no attendees at its lunchtime workshops on the recession.
90. After graduating, I will go back Vietnam and work in FES ministry (Fellowship of Evangelical Student).