oil companies造句31. Accusing the oil companies of being greedy is like saying the sun is hot.
32. The most important division between industries is that between the oil companies and the rest.
33. For the first time the oil companies are also facing effective legal challenges.
34. Once again the oil companies have come under attack from environmentalists.
35. Local oil companies want a 10 percent tariff on refined petroleum products and 3 percent duty for imported crude oil.
36. But prices at the pumps remained unchanged, enabling oil companies to announce record profits.
37. Britain's car manufacturers and oil companies now accept the inevitability of lead-free petrol.
38. But foreign oil companies have been pressing for changes to address questions about taxation and other issues.
39. The lawsuit says oil companies contrived a gasoline shortage in the early 1970s.
40. But numerous other oil companies and oil-field service firms remain there.
41. I asked under what circumstances dispensations from the health and safety regulations were given by the Department to offshore oil companies.
42. Oil companies fell in response to weaker crude oil and natural gas prices.
43. Those higher on the political food chain, such as manufacturers and oil companies, will benefit most.
44. The oil companies accuse villagers of breaching the pipes to steal the fuel or to claim compensation for the resulting pollution.
45. Public finance and expenditure Relationships between oil companies and host Governments have frequently been uneasy and sometimes open conflicts have developed.
46. Until these things happen we are opposed to any new licences being sold to oil companies by the Government.
47. Co. in San Francisco said oil companies had been expected to turn in a highly profitable quarter.
48. The big oil companies made a handsome profit out of the fuel crisis.
49. In December, oil companies produced 23. 5 million tons of oil, meeting expectations, the paper reported.
50. Jim McCrery, R-La., said competition among oil companies would guarantee lower prices for consumers.
51. The partnership also includes 10 major oil companies.
52. I think oil companies amoral.
53. Advocates windfall profits tax on oil companies.
54. The stockholders of seventy-seven oil companies gave control of their stock to nine trustees of Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company.
55. Major oil companies and other big corporate interests are also playing this game, and have financed disreputable PR campaigns against climate science.
56. A cut in subsidies would lend support to India's struggling oil companies, but also likely prod fuel and other prices even higher.
57. This significantly affects Alberta oil companies with many companies leaving the province.
58. The two largest oil companies head the list of stock market result.
59. Somalia has been a no-go area for US oil companies since it descended into anarchy in the early 1990s.
60. The capital markets clearly have provided a lot of capital, but these major oil companies are the right place financially for future development of these shale plays.