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market forces造句
31. These range from, market forces eg. the desire to maintain an unblemished reputation, to formal sanctions eg prosecution at law. 32. And when, eventually, market forces do take effect they can correct too sharply. 33. Clinton also wants to impose budget controls in case those market forces are out-muscled by rising costs. 34. Concepts of strategy introduce consideration of market forces, environmental pressures, and organizational imperatives which form the backdrop for visionary initiatives. 35. Added together, market forces generate an overall result which no-one can predict. 36. As for its chief executive's remuneration, that should be a matter for market forces. 37. Ideally, market forces alone would be enough to encourage members to assume these various roles. 38. This would reinforce their belief in the need to help the latter group of newspapers rather than simply leaving them to market forces. 39. First, state planning and regulation of the economy inhibit its efficient operation by distorting market forces. 40. Market forces remain free because of public imagery about the feckless, the idle and the deviant. 41. I would also add that the unchecked operation of market forces in educational settings is wasteful of material and human resources. 42. The plain fact was that a combination of market forces and gross mismanagement had thrown Salomon Brothers into deep trouble. 43. Ultimately, however, market forces should not be allowed to dictate the extent of regulation. 44. As market forces wear down the old ways, discount ventures are catching on. 45. The market forces people to add value to raw materials, not detract from them. 46. Within those parameters, the more that you can energize market forces like competition, the better you are. 47. With luck, market forces will make this switch from short-term to fixed-rate mortgages. 48. In this area, market forces are likely to decide between the various competing standards before official bodies make up their minds. 49. The level of rent to qualify for full Housing Benefit subsidy will be determined according to locally operating market forces. 50. Thus, schools not only have to deal with financial delegation but they have to be very aware of market forces. 51. When market forces are allowed to operate, rates of exchange are determined by the demand and supply of currencies. 52. The reader might question the wisdom of leaving oil prices to be determined by purely market forces. 53. But it thinks that to rely solely on market forces is a messy way of reining in a big borrower. 54. Furthermore, some of the changes seem to be decreasing market forces and reducing efficiency. 55. Commodity price stabilisation schemes appeared to be aimed at interfering with market forces, i.e. demand and supply. 56. Market forces will not eradicate poverty at a global level any more than they were able to at a national level. 57. Instead, there is a narrow vision of a world dominated by market forces. 58. The new classical macroeconomists are committed believers in the power of market forces, being fired with an almost evangelistic enthusiasm. 59. Will news-gathering open up to market forces or continue to receive government protection in the name of the consumer's interest? 60. He realizes the importance of voluntary exchange and market forces in producing efficient results.