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1. Some jackets with logos like the pros are at least $ 100 dollars a pop and theyre not even warm. 2. Even where the logos are being retained, these names are overshadowed by those of their new masters. 3. Only these caps with Yankees and Mets logos are hot pink and bright red, hardly the stuff of traditionalists. 4. Printed left are the next two logos for your TODAY/Pearl free Christmas present insurance validation coupon. 5. Sponsors' corporate logos are placed on the boards surrounding the field. 6. The Logos is usually translated as the Word, but it has a stronger meaning. 7. While all of the separates bore the requisite logos, they also had a sense of humor or ironic twists. 8. The trendy logos mean they can sell in shops for up to £50 apiece; but looks can be deceptive. 9. Corporate identity and logos An essential clement of the layout is the printed format of the paper, known as the letterhead. 10. Sunglasses: sporty, with wrap around shapes and big logos. 11. They arediscovering ways to make logos reflect their roots. 12. The Greeks called them mythos and logos. 13. The emblems have been trademarked with the logos. 14. But later, I noticed that the logos of the park's public lavatories are man-sized and human-shaped, perhaps even larger than life size. They looked striking. 15. Philo's Logos could be seen as a product of the merging between Greek and Hebrew cultures. His work set a good example for late Christianity in cultural interfusion. 16. In nowadays society unilateral development of instrumental logos and decadency of value logos also block building of Universal Ethics. 17. The logos are shown only once for each accredited certification. 18. The result was a white cross that stood out among the familiar neon logos of airlines and oil companies. 19. The financial interests thus gelled into four organizations that soon became instantly recognized household names and logos. 20. The company needs to be sensitive to local preferences and tastes, and such things as company logos should incorporate local preferences. 21. Around the world, some 3 billion pairs of eyes will notice their logos, slogans and billboards. 22. Standardized fascias and fronts, company colours, house lettering and stylized logos are in with a vengeance. 23. The Bible as holy literature, the oracles of the Logos, has become for them an inanimate object of scientific investigation. 24. For locomotives there was now a livelier three-tone grey colour scheme with sub-sector logos and depot badges. 25. No enduring stars did their best work under any of his logos. 26. And in so far as we can use gender imagery for these things the Logos is a masculine principle .... 27. About the essence of mathematics, Hardy is a completist whose opinion is in favor of understanding the "doing mathematics for itself" spirit of pursuing and animadverting on logos. 28. There is no restriction on the color of organic JAS logos. 28. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 29. The use department shall submit its request for labels, while the Manufacturing Department shall organize the fabrication, and register the labels and store the logos. 30. The "Roundel" – symbol of the "Tube, " London's famed Underground, the world's oldest subway system — is one of the most recognized logos in the world, and it's celebrated its 100 birthday.