guessing造句 121. Extra pointer. Forget all the high school multiple-choice guessing strategies, like favoring D's and E's, never picking choices with "All" or "None, " etc. 122. After much deliberation, the men took a vote and decided to pin our last hopes on a suicide mission, guessing that the element of surprise might be just the thing to offset Arroyo's superior forces.英文造句potential incomemaster switchoperating timeriemannianpull a fast one onpiezoelectric crystalkolnlinguistic communicationdevice managementamnioalaricelectronic currentin a general waymiracidiumstatistical inferenceaminatinghoney-coloredcervical smearchurch schoolproject costcustomizabilitywheatstone bridgehave no relation toimage sensorreturn keyforward pricemycincentral limit theoremthoracolumbar