supported造句(91) The roof of the new tunnel hasn't been properly supported; it shows signs of falling in.
(92) The movement is supported by key figures in the three main political parties.
(93) For many years he supported the development of the electric car, but he now thinks it's a lost cause.
(94) He has since 1965 faithfully followed and supported every twist and turn of government policy.
(95) To set the record straight, I must say now that I never supported the idea.
(96) He's supported the team for over ten years through thick and thin.
(97) The war is strongly supported by the mass of the population.
(98) It is a tenet of contemporary psychology that an individual's mental health is supported by having good social networks.
(99) Her claim was supported by the testimony of several witnesses.
(100) He is expected to be supported at the meeting by Dennis Skinner and Tony Benn among others.
(101) My family has always supported me in whatever I've wanted to do.
(102) Some members supported the opposition in the division lobbies .
(103) The family unit is supported by its integration into a wider social network.
(104) The actual figure was made of copper supported by a metal framework which had been especially constructed by Eiffel.
(105) An exparte application is made, supported by an affidavit.
(106) This intuition is supported by sentence completion data.
(107) The Federal Highway Administration's trials have supported Dale's claims.
(108) The anecdotal evidence is supported Statistically.
(109) They are supported by a very detailed environmental assessment.
(110) In this he is supported by a flawless cast.
(111) The biscuit tin supported the open recipe book.
(112) Herrington is supported by some very accomplished women.
(113) The arches are supported on columns with Composite capitals.
(114) The electronic zoo consists of a 9m grid coffered slab supported by reinforced columns.
(115) These studies have been classified into those which supported normality and those which did not.
(116) Her goal proved to be a tall, thin building, leaning like an amiable drunk, supported by its neighbours.
(117) This particular conference also addresses the way in which teachers can be supported in their research.
(118) But in the clinical area it is possible to teach concepts by observation and experiences supported by language.
(119) Moreover, the major parties today are supported by two distinct coalitions of voters, each with core interests and demands.
(120) However, a consultation exercise last year showed that councils, police and courts supported the proposals.