快好知 kuaihz

1. The Waterford Crustal business comprises the manufacture, marketing, distribution and retailing of high quality crystal products including stemware and giftware. 2. Using scissors, they demonstrated how the crustal building blocks moved around. 3. They have repeatedly looked for a connection between crustal tides and earthquakes over the past few decades, but to no avail. 4. Crustal movement is very active on the continental slope. 5. Continental lower crustal flow: channel flow or laminar flow? 6. In this paper the combination method is introduced in detail with a practical example taking from CMONOC (Crustal Movement Observation Network Of China). 7. So the crustal stability of NorthwestYunnan is determined dominatingly by the active fault and seism. 8. The young Nd model ages suggest a significant crustal growth in the period of Neoproterozoic-Phanerozoic. 9. However crustal media, in general, are inhomogenous, therefore temperature influence on displacement measurements across faults, should not be ignored. 10. In data processing for Capital circle GPS crustal deformation monitoring network, the best technical program has been used and high precision positioning results have been obtained. 11. Red Dragon Waterfall: Due to crustal movement, the former parallel and accumbent red terrain rose up vertically and formed red valley about 100m high. 12. The crustal stress analysis indicated the dead weight stress is affects the tunnel the primary factor. 13. The Qinghai - Tibet Plateau has a unique crustal structure and a high - heat background. 14. The horizontal crustal movement obtained from GPS observations in 1998 and 2000 at basic and fiducial stations in the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China(CMONOC) is introduced. 15. The study of regional crustal stability is considered as a branch between engineering geology and the closely allied geomechanics as well as structural geology. 16. This study provides new evidence for continental crustal growth in the central Asian orogenic belt during the Phanerozoic. 17. Where two continents collide neither experiences significant subduction but some crustal thickening occurs and a mountain belt is formed. 18. Bouguer anomalies include a correction for altitude but only on the basis of an average crustal density. 19. When corrections are made to take account of these differences in crustal density the magnitude of gravity anomalies is significantly reduced. 20. These can be related to rates of magma production versus differentiation by crystal fractionation within crustal magma chambers. 21. Wattset al. 1982 have shown that lateral heat flow results in anomalies in the normal thermal subsidence profile following crustal stretching. 22. A new method to calculate the lateral pressure and horizontal crustal stress of the slope in opencast mining has be... 23. The trace elements analysis shows that limburgite is the product of partially melting of mantle peridotite and diagenesis did not undergo the crustal contamination. 24. A new method to calculate the lateral pressure and horizontal crustal stress of the slope in opencast mining has been giv... 25. Today, the oyster bank is exposed at the low-water line as a the result of the crustal rising and the coastal erosion. 26. The deformational metamorphic evolution of the three types of the ductile shear zones reflects the main reworking during the uplift processes of the deep crustal high grade metamorphic complex. 27. Active tectonics is the important manifestation of the present crustal deformation. 28. The disappearance of metal pollution in the soil will come as the surface of the planet moves underground, unless the earth itself instigates extremely strong crustal movement. 29. GPS and VLBI is complete different observed technology, so the crustal motion deduced from them may be absolute unlikeness. 30. The proto - kinetic mechanism of crust movement, a crustal body deformation, is discussed.