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birth control造句
61) The birth control methods most commonly used by working class families were as readily available in 1870 as they were in 1950. 62) Another method of birth control must be used for a few months until two consecutive tests show there are no sperm left. 63) This information leaflet replaces those previously issued and those under the title Modern methods of birth control. 64) Contraception Birth control by prevention of conception or impregnation. 65) Choosing the best birth control pill can be difficult. 66) He also harassed the birth control advocate Margaret Sanger. 67) Birth Control is a long - term policy. 68) a reliable method of birth control. 69) Contraception birth control by prevention of conception or impregnation. 70) Birth control was illegal there until 1978. 71) Another name for the rhythm method of birth control. 72) Authors: Kunming Public Health Bureau,[www.] Kunming Papulation and Birth control Commission. 73) The birth control pill could also throw a spanner in the works of the laws of natural attraction as it prevents women giving off monthly fertility signals believed to be subtly alluring to men. 74) Most American women use contraceptive methods as the birth control pill. 75) The current ongoing crime by the Christian church is not recommending birth control, in an extremely overpopulated world. 76) Let's put stress on the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to take more effective actions so that our country could have a brighter future. 77) And she joked that school overcrowding could be fixed with birth control. 78) Perforation of the uterus by an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is not a rare complication with this means of birth control. 79) Vasectomy is the single most reliable form of birth control that exists. 80) Recently an oral contraceptive named Yaz has become the only birth control pill approved to treat PMDD. 81) Increasing use of birth control pills is also contributing towards rising impotency, he said. 82) " Margaret Sanger, who courageously pioneered the cause of birth control, icily promoted contraception "to be used in poverty-stricken slums, jungles and among the most ignorant people. 83) Over the next few months a birth control product called OvoControl P, which interferes with(2) egg development, will be placed in bird food in new rooftop feeders(3). 84) The minipill, also known as the progestin-only birth control pill, is an oral contraceptive that contains the hormone progestin. 85) Of course each type of birth control pill has its own risks and benefits. Understand the basics then work with your health care provider to determine the best birth control pill for you. 86) Using the basal body temperature method for birth control requires motivation and diligence. 87) If you'd like to use combination birth control pills, your health care provider can help you decide which type is right for you. 88) If you need birth control only occasionally over-the-counter male or female condoms might be appropriate birth control options. You might also consider a contraceptive sponge and spermicide. 89) The best solution to solve the problem of overpopulation is to exercise birth control. 90) Monophasic. In this type of combination birth control pill, each active pill contains the same amount of estrogen and progestin.