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chip in造句
(1) They chip in for the petrol and food. (2) This mug has a chip in it. (3) His grandfather would always chip in while we were talking. (4) Let's all chip in five dollars. (5) There's a chip in this bowl. (6) There's a chip in this cup. (7) This mug's got a chip in it/out of it. (8) Missiles were used as a bargaining chip in negotiations for economic aid. (9) The brothers chip in a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide. (10) Feel free to chip in if I've forgotten to mention anything. (11) I'd just like to chip in, Bill, if I might. (12) I could only afford to chip in a few pounds. (13) I'll start and you can all chip in with your comments. (14) Oh, the plate has a chip in it. (15) They should all chip in like smart businessmen and pay the fiddler. (16) In December he agreed that he would chip in the same amount. (17) Clinton is pushing Congress to chip in with federal funds. (18) Well, I hope I can chip in on the mortgage payments. (19) In this paper, we design this non-volatile memory chip in system level, module level, circuit level and physical level. (20) Objective To study the application of gene chip in detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to rifampin and isoniazid. (21) A neuron is like a microprocessor chip in that it receives thousands of signals through its dendrites and constantly integrates all the input it receives from these connections. (22) I'm very sorry that I can only afford to chip in a few dollars this time. (23) Rubio suggests that oil be used as a bargaining chip in any trade talks. (24) The dancers who were making money in Broadway shows did not hesitate to chip in to meet emergency expenses. (25) Health ministers must be honest and responsible enough to confront problems and chip in with extra funds where ministers. (26) It uses Tungsten Plug technology, which helps integrate the various elements in the chip in as small a package as possible. (27) The other tenured faculty, including those whom Gordon considered marginally sympathetic, would remain quiet or chip in their own criticisms. (28) Local detention is considerably cheaper, although the state might still chip in with a subsidy. (29) Can you advise me on how I could repair a chip in its outer rim? (30) Finally the inner block structure and main characters of the TMP100, digital temperature sensor, the important chip in this system are introduced.