快好知 kuaihz

1. He's learning his ABC at school. 2. There's a call from Mr. Miller of ABC. 3. I work for ABC Company. 4. Where is the ABC Hotel? 5. Mr. Miller of ABC is on the line. 6. The child has not learnt his ABC. 7. ABC Business College, may I help you? ABC. 8. What floor is ABC on? --The tenth floor. ABC. 9. You have a call from Mr. Miller of ABC. 10. This is Gary of ABC. Pls call me when you get home. My number is 1234. 11. Thank you for calling ABC Business College. Can I help you? 12. The game will be televised live on ABC tonight. 13. Do you know your ABC? 14. The angles are equal, for ABC is equilateral. 15. Let ABC be an angle of 90. 16. ABC charged advertisers 235,000 dollars a minute. 18. Does the boy know his ABC? 19. Let ABC be an angle of ninety degrees. 20. The chord AC subtends the arc ABC. The side XZ subtends the angle XYZ. 21. He worked in the news division of ABC — he was the anchor of its 15-minute evening newscast. 22. ABC plans to revamp the show before next season. 23. Two important developments in ABC have taken place. 24. The venturer who successfully completes this abc journey will have experienced a logical but unexciting event. 25. In her capacity as war correspondent for ABC News, she has traveled all over the world. 26. Would you help me find the number for the ABC Hotel? 27. If you want to acquire profound knowledge,you must start from the ABC. 28. What I need is a book that contains the ABC of carpentry. 29. Making a simple dress out of cotton cloth is easy as ABC. 30. David Seymour says it can be as simple as ABC.