快好知 kuaihz

(31) Additionally, more than three thousand years ago, Chinese people used moldy soybean curd as a poultice for boils and other skin infections. (32) It can bring good effect in keeping food away from getting moldy, such as gingko, chestnut, walnut, pignut, corn, seed of sunflower, rice, wheat, etc. (33) As long as when access to dry hands, do not drop into the water not moldy. (34) The Double is at play twice in this diptych as the moldy mirror image of the painting reinforces the closed world of their sisterhood. (35) We are really at a loss to understand why your lot was found moldy and worm - eaten. (36) Ginger, table salt and lactic acid can concurrently inhibit the growth of microorganisms which cause food to go moldy and rotten, and have combined antiseptic effect on cucumbers. (37) Just two months into Gates' tenure, The Washington Post revealed that Walter Reed Army Medical Center was keeping wounded soldiers in moldy, mouse- and cockroach-infested squalor. (38) People feel sorry for you. If you don't want the rice bowl, it won't get moldy.