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151. In early tests , DNA - based vaccines triggered both responses. 152. The default color of white would not appear correctly when initialized and wouldn't show up until a state change had been triggered and then was set back to default. 153. And the result illustrates a triggered vacuum switch closure delay of400ns between trigger voltage breakdown and the commutation of main gap current. 154. Built - in heat - triggered protector prevents motor damage and extends pump life. 155. Convolution, correlation . Firing rate . Spike - triggered average. 156. The current recession was triggered by a slump in consumer spending. 157. Optically triggered MOS gated solid state relay is a new switching device, which is composed of an MOS gated thyristor, a phototransistor, an enhanced mode MOSFET and a Zener diode. 157.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 158. The study found venous thrombo-embolism — a potentially fatal blood clot in the lung often triggered by a blood clot in the leg — was 2.57 times higher in men 6ft or over. 159. As one type of credit card, student credit card has significant differences from ordinary credit card, and the differences between them have triggered different legal relations. 160. More than 170 people died last week when a tsunami triggered by a quake hit Samoa, American Samoa and Tonga. 161. As if by magic, you get the ordered output of the full execution path triggered by thread 24, which should look something like Listing 8. 162. Many doc-tors believe PPD is triggered by the changes in a mother's hormones after giving birth, yet studies have failed to find much evi-dence for a link between extreme hormone fluctuations and PPD. 163. Strain steps recorded by borehole strainmeters are of special values in studies of coseismic stress triggered fault activities. 164. Perennial allergic rhinitis, triggered by dust mites, animal dander, and mold, occurs year - round. 165. In a synchronous counter all stages are triggered by a common clock. 166. This finding suggests that massive runaway breakdown may have happened within the thundercloud in a process related to the initiation of the triggered lightning. 167. Grof describes his research with psychedelic drugs and the experiences they triggered. 168. A common anti-depressant, Bupropion, can decrease craving for Internet game play as well as the brain activity triggered by video game cues, research in South Korea suggests. 169. But this has triggered an arms race with bacteria, which start evolving to beat the antibiotics - and emerge as in the end as pumped-up, super-charged bacteria invulnerable to our medical weapons. 170. Not being used to such a collectivist set-up, Apple refused to pay up, which triggered the first big legal skirmish over smart-phones. 171. Some 'extra ammo' definitely came from a bullish technical picture which possibly triggered institutional buying. 172. A merger may have triggered the output of energy in this galaxy, Centaurus A. 173. The Americans also caught agents carrying strange devices, like a belt with a Swastika emblem on it—not very secret, that one—which could act as a two-barreled .32 pistol triggered by two buttons. 174. The financial agitation of 1882-1883 was triggered by heavy taxes, ill management of the private banks and tightening finance caused by the war between China and France in 1884.