快好知 kuaihz

31. My teacher always emphasized the importance of studying hard. 32. The dress emphasized her tiny waist. 33. I said that positive things should be emphasized. 34. The need for strong leadership is frequently emphasized. 35. He has emphasized foreign policy in rare stump appearances. 36. Tacitus more astutely emphasized their dependence upon tillage farming. 37. She emphasized the "Ms." when she introduced herself. 38. Has emphasized his experience and longtime ties to agriculture. 39. Handy emphasized that fact in his advertising. 40. The way I emphasized sometime it was hopeless. 41. If teachers were to improve, he emphasized that other groups and institutions in society would have to play their part. 42. Therefore, one must adopt a systematic approach to acid-base diagnosis, as emphasized earlier in this chapter. 43. From an early date the imperial palaces at Constantinople incorporated decorative schemes that emphasized and glorified imperial power and dominion. 44. Both companies consequently emphasized providing leadership, developing subordinates, and maintaining long-term partnerships with clients. 45. Facet analysis underlies the structure, but is not emphasized by facet indicators as in a more conventional faceted classification scheme. 46. Most reds will be emphasized by artificial light; blues and greens tend to be diminished by it. 47. However, it was emphasized that apart from that situation, each quarry would be regarded as a separate unit. 48. Legislation in the field of child protection has emphasized the role of the local authorities. 49. An official orthodoxy based on Neo-Confucian doctrines emphasized the preservation of order and maintenance of social hierarchy. 50. Although the new managers had focused on the privileges that came with formal authority, the superiors emphasized the duties-the accountability. 51. Sander has emphasized that the quiet alert state in a young infant is extremely stable. 52. The Chairman emphasized that VAT is a very serious problem which is being tackled with vigour. 53. Needless loss of life resulted from a policy that emphasized backing away from provocation and discouraging self-defense. 54. Our data were gathered, as we have emphasized elsewhere, during the period immediately before the introduction of the National Curriculum. 55. These and other economic development proposals have emphasized targeting and leveraging to get maximum use of the federal dollars. 56. The importance of collaborating with the patient's general practitioner is emphasized. 57. Clinton emphasized the spirit of community and Watts stressed individual responsibility. 58. In seeking to counteract these forces Dewey especially emphasized the potential importance of the educative role of social institutions. 59. The gift emphasized the fact that the giver was a public man. 60. She emphasized that the government believes the issue should be decided by sports rights holders.