快好知 kuaihz

61. EXAMPLE: A hypercritical boss is always quick to discover his employees' faults, and this is often quite discouraging to them. 62. Discouraging words for those who believe that a college's job is to educate, not coddle. 63. Most discouraging of all, the audit found that elected officials at the village level pocketed a huge chunk of the funds—dashing hopes that decentralization would ensure better oversight. 64. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the joy and glory of the climb. 65. Hardship, frustrating and discouraging, is the God of the destiny that changing unpredictably all the time. 66. After all, it can be quite discouraging to be at the bottom of the top grade! 67. Discouraging, because it suggests that no amount of success ever really makes deep-rooted insecurities go away. 68. Rather than ensconce the discouraging news in falsely hopeful language, the doctor imparted the diagnosis in a clear, straightforward manner. 69. An audio tape of your presentation will tell you if you're discouraging laughter by resuming your talk too soon. 70. Reducing STD risk factors multiple partners may be more effective than discouraging oral or anal sex. 71. Derek's punishment for discouraging dreaming, and for stealing the money left by the "tooth fairy" under his girlfriend's daughter's pillow in order to play poker, is to serve as the tooth fairy. 72. Mr Berlusconi's hair's-breadth survival has created a discouraging situation for the rest of the euro zone. 73. To curb an economy that's in danger of overheating, the Chinese government is discouraging its state banks from extending new loans to ventures in overbuilt industries —such as cement. 74. When the trend turns up, it will be weak, with continued high unemployment discouraging consumers from spending and businesses balking at major purchases until they ve cleared their books of debt. 75. Research for improvement of chestnut has been discouraging and encouraging. 76. That was pretty discouraging and disheartening to see that happening, and it happened repeatedly. 77. The plant closing, one of many we had endured over the last two years, dealt a body blow to the economy of Poinsett County and had a discouraging impact on the whole state. 78. But the Judge had a most discouraging way of fluctuating. 79. Cracking down, or at least discouraging, heretical beliefs is part of his job. 80. Let the government take steps by encouraging virtues, not discouraging vices. 81. Govermental tax policies in many countries are discouraging automobile ownership.