uterus造句121 It has the advantage that the patients stay in the hospital for few days, hurtless , the vice-reaction is little, etc. it is a kind of new and a viable method for myoma of uterus.
122 Part of the uterus is connected to the vaginal wall.
123 The removal of tissue or growths from a body cavity, such as the uterus, by scraping with a curette .
124 NO is a important bioactivator to sustain normal structure and function of the uterus, fetus and placenta during the pregnancy.
125 Conclusion Application of carboprost in induced labor with scarred uterus may reduce volume of postpartum hemorrhage, shorten duration of third stage of labor, and decrease rate of placenta residue.
126 The other advantage is you're able to palpate the uterus and feel small fibroids that ordinarily could not be felt or recognized with a laparoscopic approach.
127 Objective To study the feasibility and security of abortion by rivanol on metaphase pregnancy of cicatricial uterus.
128 Stem cell transplantation in uterus developed a new approach for the treatment of congenital disease.
129 Pysfunctional uterine bleeding, pelvic inflammation, abnormal leukorrhea. It combines with Foot Motor Sensory Area for prolapse of uterus.
130 Objective: Discussions on the best approaches on uterus removal with celioscope before and in the operation.
131 Conclusion:Main high risk factors lie in antepartum and intrapartum. It is anoxia that major cause to affect child's intelligence development, especially chronic hypoxia in uterus.
132 Objective: The analysis acetic acid macrography of the sensitivity which diagnoses highly to the cervix of the uterus pathological change, discusses the value of cervical cancer screening application.
133 Objective : To investigate the hysteroscopic treatment of the submucous myoma of uterus and the cervical polyp.
134 Intrauterine adhesions ( scar tissue ) can form between the inner walls of the uterus.
135 Conclusion With good analgesic effect, uterus laxity , low probability of induced abortion syndrome and no more hemorrhage, disoprofol and nitrous oxide is good for painless induced abortion.
136 The uterus consists of two uterine horns, a body and a cervix.
137 Your doctor should be measuring the distance between your pubic bone and the top of your uterus (fundus) at each appointment from here on out.
138 The uterus was palpable 2 finger - breadths below the umbilicus.
139 Arrive gravid and terminal, increscent uterus and fetal show an oppressive rectum first, also can cause defecate difficulty.
140 We also discovered that cows with endometritis, pyometra and other uterus diseases often had ovarian pathological changes, such as COD, persistent corpus luteum and ovaritis.
141 Purpose : To compare the value of ultrasound, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy in diagnosing septate uterus.
142 The maleLikelihood already drag in prostate, spermary , epididymis, FemaleAlready drag in accessory, uterus.
143 Uterus weight ( mice ) and vagina smears were used and Tanshinone was shown to have a mild estrogen-like activity.
144 Results: The conceptus in the uterus were resorbed in the early pregnancy.
145 Needs to arrive at the hospital to make the cervix of the uterus secretion the inspection, according to check result, just right for the illness treatment.
146 Especially the patient of infecund retroversion of uterine tilting back ward after a few marriage, use an uterus suspensory art, conduce to be pregnant.
147 The caesarean section rate for breech presentation , scar uterus , fetal macrosomia, multiple pregnancy was 97.9 % , 97.3 % , 74.0 %, 73.9 < ...
148 Ethacridine lactate injection has an effect of stimulating uterus to contract.
149 The surgeonexplained to Babilart with growing impatience that "seminal vapour"released during the sex act had moved up through the woman's uterus andinto the fallopian tubes.
150 Vagina delivery was the highest styles in accouchement , by 59.85%, and 78 cases was the lasting of fetal distress in uterus.