快好知 kuaihz

1 You should find this guidebook helpful. 2 The guidebook costs £10.95 post-free. 3 The guidebook warns against walking alone at night. 4 The guidebook lists 1000 hotels and restaurants. 5 The guidebook says to turn left. 6 This restaurant gets three stars in the guidebook. 7 This practical guidebook teaches you about relaxation, coping skills, and time management. 8 The author of the guidebook is an architect by profession. 9 The guidebook arms the reader with a mass of useful information. 10 This guidebook includes a map of the Phoenix metro area. 11 Puzzled, I checked my guidebook again. 12 The Collomb guidebook - though the only publication available to the serious climber - has several inaccuracies in pictures and descriptions. 13 Described as a giant phallic symbol in the guidebook, I thought of it more as the Fickle Finger of Fate. 14 The guidebook has detailed information about the hotels in the area. 15 The first two made the guidebook into an art form after 1830. 16 Commentators are fond of discovering and praising a guidebook clarity in the novel. 17 As with any guidebook, especially one which covers an area as large as this, you can pick out numerous faults. 18 He has written a guidebook that assesses the quality of Californian hotels. 19 The guidebook also provides useful information about the people who lived in the regions through which the pilgrim would have to pass. 20 Penetrate inside - stay awhile with guidebook raised - and you will find something calmly neoclassical, something wisely proportioned and cool. 21 This guidebook will give you a good general idea of the city. 22 By the mid-twelfth century pilgrims were numerous enough to merit a guidebook. 23 By the mid-twelfth century pilgrims were sufficiently numerous to merit a guidebook. 24 After a delay of some years there is now some momentum behind the production of a guidebook for the Clwyd Limestone area. 25 The beach was deserted and unsafe for bathing according to the guidebook. 26 Recovering from the energy expended, Stephane appreciated my translated comparison with the guidebook description of Curbar's Right Eliminate. 27 Yuppification, not downward mobility, will be the name of the game in the new edition of the guidebook. 28 My upper climbing garments have always proved wayward in the role of guidebook protection. 29 However, it is wrong to place total reliance on guidebook descriptions. 30 It has no present claim to fame and its longest guidebook entry are the words in Domesday.