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61. They had livelier personalities and danced roles such as Diana, goddess of the hunt, or Mercury, messenger of the gods. 62. They calculate severe leaching of such toxic metals as beryllium, aluminum, mercury, lead, and cadmium. 63. But with ruler Mercury in direct motion from the 1st, you can make headway. 64. A third flyby was carried out two Mercury years later, on March 16, 1975. 65. Mercury had expected to provide a non-profit service with Cable and Wireless like its morale-booster during the Gulf war. 66. Lighting is by two Floraset mercury vapour lamps which were originally set on a timer to give 11 hours of light. 67. Finally, Mercury and the Moon may be much less thoroughly outgassed than the other terrestrial planets. 68. The planet Mercury orbits the Sun more closely than do any of the others. 69. This is clearly a result of the higher surface gravity on Mercury, a little over double that on the Moon. 70. The excretion of mercury by the kidney generally forms the basis for measurement of exposure. 71. Mars and Mercury were hidden in the sun's glare and Pluto was too small and distant to appear. 72. The lunar surface is also depleted in moderately volatile substances, and the same is probably true of Mercury. 73. The monostable is an edge-triggered device which resets the timer every time the mercury rolls on to the switch contacts. 74. The mercury had been discharged from a local chemical plant. 75. His squinting eyes slithered and shifted like mercury on a plate. 76. The most dire forecasts say rising mercury on Earth could bring about both devastating floods and droughts. 77. However, the recent lunar eclipse and Mercury in retrograde motion signify the financial position is much too uncertain. 78. As the flooded forests decompose, insoluble mercury in the soil and vegetation turns into soluble methyl mercury. 79. The restaurant is amply air-conditioned, since the mercury often creeps north in South Bay. 80. Mercury will then let customers know when they have reached that limit, so that users can choose whether or not to make further calls. 81. The 11 metals concerned include copper, zinc, lead, nickel, cadmium and mercury. 82. The cold of the riverside steps was rising up her spine like mercury in a glass. 83. A similar service is offered via e-mail by a company called Mercury Mail. 84. In retrospect, dying of the disease itself would seem infinitely preferable to the agonies of death from mercury poisoning. 85. The line on Mercury is fixed to its surface at the equator. 86. The radiation, which comes From the arc in the mercury vapour, is mainly ultraviolet with a wavelength of 253-7 nanometres. 87. It is this microwave link, rather than a fibre, that Mercury will extend in stages toward Birmingham later this year. 88. With its warhead replaced by a Mercury capsule, the rocket had an alarming tendency to fail during flight. 89. Radar mapping of Mercury reveals a Moonlike cratered surface and no evidence of an atmosphere or oceans. 90. Rockwell not only built the space shuttle but constructed key components for the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo programs of the 1960s.