快好知 kuaihz

151. This I did in what I thought were circumstances of great secrecy. 152. Jett swore me to secrecy, with particular reference to you. 153. There is a great deal of secrecy within the organization. 154. Any attempt to impose some sort of external watchdog that might apply a degree of accountability is rejected as compromising its secrecy. 155. The news can not be suppressed despite the most stringent efforts to maintain secrecy. 156. The secrecy which, in my adolescence, surrounded menstruation was an indication of the inferior status of women in that society. 157. Since its beginnings in the mid-1950s, the secrecy surrounding Sugar Grove has been intense. 158. In the area of basic national defense the frequent need for absolute secrecy is, of course, self-evident. 159. In the past secret agreements allowed for breathing space, which by virtue of that very secrecy was only temporary. 160. Finally, there is the secrecy and confidentiality which is so typical of public bureaucracies. 161. Nobody knows much about the organization because its members are all sworn to secrecy. 162. Hierarchy is perceived to operate very strongly and there is a great deal of secrecy surrounding ideas. 163. The decision to release the documents reverses a Red Cross policy of secrecy. 164. Most top intelligence bosses like the secrecy, arguing that revealing even a total budget will increase pressure to release details. 165. An indication of the secrecy surrounding Buckley is an episode that took place in September 1977. 166. Berri also criticized the government for excessive secrecy and nepotism. 167. There was no secrecy about its contents, although it is delivered in limited and carefully controlled amounts. 168. The strictest secrecy was maintained during the subsequent discussions, for premature disclosure of what was afoot was obviously undesirable. 169. Now these men were involved in a long-term operation and total secrecy was essential to its outcome. 170. His friendship with Fujimori gives him unusual access to a president with a tiny circle of advisers and a penchant for secrecy. 171. Properties and bank accounts used for laundering guerrilla funds would be confiscated, with bank secrecy laws lifted in order to facilitate investigation. 172. Because of the secrecy of the proceedings, nobody knows the exact numbers of those executed. 173. Few such blemishes, given the secrecy of organizational practice, came to light. 174. No, surely he would swear her to secrecy - if he really did agree in the end to Miguel's request. 175. And initial notification of such a takeover bid is almost never made by letter, for secrecy reasons. 176. The military in the Soviet Union tended to be shrouded in even more secrecy than most other Soviet institutions. 177. Starr had argued that there never should be a right to such secrecy in the face of a grand jury subpoena. 178. It is hoped to gain some knowledge of how families view the role of secrecy as the child grows up. 179. They also found experts who questioned the secrecy of the information concerned. 180. But the London office checked it out and confirmed that the sheer secrecy of the Bedford police gave credence to the story.