dissemination造句91) Our Electronic Tendering System is one of the first Government electronic tendering systems in the world that allows both tender dissemination and submission of tender offers.
92) The light coloured nephrite, which formed on the contact zone of the dolomitic marbles and the granites, has more translucency and practically has not ore dissemination.
93) We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press.
94) Any unauthorised use or dissemination of this message in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.
95) This citation index allows me to track the future dissemination of my own ideas.
96) With the development of Internet technology, network information dissemination makes great progress.
97) Congress rightly felt that it was inappropriate for a military intelligence agency to have control over the dissemination of unclassified information.
98) Dissemination of the infectious agent (M. tuberculosis, fungi) may produce a similar pattern in other organs.
99) This paper the influence and theaffecting the production, dissemination and use of scholarly and scientific information.
100) So the water stress adaptation of Phyllitis japonica is the bottleneck for application and dissemination.
101) Electronic-book is an important complement, which give publicity to paper-books in dissemination and distribution.
102) Any review, dissemination, distribution or duplication of this communication by the unintended recipient is strictly prohibited.
103) Organization of Chinese and Western medicine Huitong social, academic dissemination.
104) But as a business entity, how to network through virtual effective dissemination of its own?
105) Cu-Pb-Zn ore bodies are located in outer contact zone of intermediately acidic granite(partially layered skarn) and the ore occurs as dissemination and fracture-filling.
106) The molybdenum ore bodies favorite skarn, with molybdenite commonly enriched at the concentration of garnet, in dissemination or veinlets.
107) Be to be worth application and dissemination , drawing lessons.
108) In addition, the damage of the motor nerve caused by neurolytic block with ethanol and phenol also limited the dissemination of this therapy in the pain clinic.
109) News news and information dissemination system is one of the main.
110) Depend on the graphic art language to realize an aim of dissemination.
111) Therefore, we must pay more attention to readers s role in the dissemination of Hua Jian Ji, and thus to encourage the research on the acceptant history of it.
112) HIPAA also requires the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to define rules for the dissemination of healthcare information.
113) The patient presented with a clinical picture of primary rectal signet ring cell carcinoma with peritoneal dissemination and gastric secondaries.
114) We significantly influence or control the selection, organization, preservation, and dissemination of information.
115) Should sickness propagation mode be diverse, by through crowd intimate contact dissemination primarily.
116) The network media by the use is by actually the disassimilation medium authority, is only this kind of medium authority on the pretext of for some kind of dissemination technology.
117) In directed diffusion, flooding is used for dissemination of interest and exploratory data, which will bring broadcast storm resulting in substantial energy consumption of networks.
118) NET technology which has function of the production command information dissemination and processing, resource management and applications, network operating condition monitoring and data analysis.
119) The advent of the fashion plate allowed for wide dissemination of popular styles.
120) Objective To study the role of milky spots in the omentum on dissemination and metastasis of pancreatic cancer in Syrian golden hamster model.