快好知 kuaihz

1. We have a very amiable companionship. 2. The television is a poor substitute for human companionship. 3. I depended on his companionship and on his judgment. 4. A dog provides some companionship. 5. When Stan died, I missed his companionship. 6. She turned to me for companionship. 7. They meet at the club for companionship and advice. 8. She's lonely, and starving for companionship. 9. She had only her cat for companionship. 10. She had never had any close companionship with another woman. 11. Mrs. Greene keeps dogs for companionship and security. 12. He had nobody to talk to, he needed companionship. 13. Having overcome his shyness, he revelled in the companionship. 14. Companionship and friendship are positive things we can offer. 15. He was lonely and looking for companionship. 16. According to Maslow's hierarchical needs model companionship is only third on the list with self-esteem and self-actualisation above it. 17. There is companionship and a sharing of the burden between co-wives. 18. She needed the companionship of suitable young people, he thought, and here on the farm she wasn't getting it. 19. A tender fortyish div or wid for companionship stroke marriage? 20. Old people often rely on pets for comfort and companionship in their twilight years. 21. And why not enjoy the unexpected gift of happiness that her companionship would surely bring? 22. She is young, and she has a girl's needs, of companionship and of love. 23. What she wanted from Luke Hunter was not a few months' - or even a few years' - sensual companionship. 24. It was to her animals that Hannah turned for companionship - even conversation! 25. The sitters can spend time, day or night, with the patient, providing care and companionship. 26. They have less opportunity to make new friendships and tend to depend for companionship on the continuity of longstanding relationships. 27. They can be valuable purely as a means of providing social companionship, activities of all descriptions, and intellectual stimulation. 28. But that award deals only with compensation for loss of love and companionship. 29. All those below were too busy and had not time to spare to comfort him with a few minutes' companionship. 30. She felt no fear but only a strange sort of companionship with the creatures who populated the forest night.