dos造句151 To determine the correct drive letter, assume the system boots to DOS without a CD-ROM driver, and that all drives have the File Allocation Table (FAT) file system.
152 Kerlon of Cruzeiro , Dos Santos, already of Barcelona, Krul, the Buffon of the future is Dutch.
153 Describes how to invoke the command - line compiler at the MS - DOS prompt or from a specific subdirectory.
154 This ran on an'operating system'called DOS , produced by a then small company named Microsoft.
155 Among them were poet Ezra Pound, and writers Gertrude Stein, John dos Passos, and F.
156 Most DOS users will never need to specify an external command processor.
157 All available space in Extended DOS partition is assigned to logical drives.
158 Penman suggested a collective theme of hardware and software when developing EDM control system under DOS.
159 This operating system was called Disk Operating System or DOS.