enforced造句31. After a period of enforced idleness, she found a new job.
32. These measures will be enforced, if necessary, by the army.
33. If pollution controls are enforced here, the factories will move to where they're allowed to pollute, so it'll be a wash as far as clear air goes.
34. The law must have teeth, and it must be enforced.
35. The real motive for the enforced resignations remained unclear.
36. They were peaceable, but none the less enforced clearances.
37. This enforced separation might make him feel her loss.
38. Responsibility can be enforced by strong laws.
39. Others think speed laws should be better enforced.
40. The strictest discipline would be enforced.
41. It should have enforced its post-1986 regulations more effectively.
42. Local driving regulations are strictly enforced.
43. Gratuitous promises can not be enforced at law.
44. The photographs of Coranka Matic illustrate this enforced switch.
45. The suspicions were behind his enforced retirement in 1962.
46. The pair discussed the measure, which is not being enforced pending court appeals.
47. Space on the ground in the narrow paddock is limited by strictly enforced rules.
48. Involuntary unemployment and enforced leisure are Keynesian concepts which are precluded by assumption.
49. Long periods of enforced coexistence may include concessions or agreements and important, often fruitful, cultural exchange.
50. Benchmarking represented a period of enforced introspection beginning at the strategic level and percolating through the organization as the change process progressed.
51. For example, you may be some one who does not enjoy the enforced camaraderie of office life.
52. The law is framed widely, in the expectation that it will be enforced selectively.
53. But the agreements were not enforceable, or at any rate were not enforced.
54. Workers standing by were not always enjoying a leisure preference; they were sometimes enduring an enforced and hungry idleness.
55. In fact most of the rules we follow in our social lives are not legally enforced, but they are rules nevertheless.
56. The militants enforced the ban on cheating in school exams, and even that old tradition disappeared.
57. Trusts for performance seem also to have been enforced, at any rate where there was a public interest.
58. Prisoner after prisoner has complained about the arbitrary way in which the prison regulations are enforced.
59. And more to the point, why should they be enforced?
60. Every state has laws against the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products to children, although they are rarely enforced.