contrasting造句31. At ground level geraniums and hostas provide a contrasting foliar foil to neat gravel.
32. Contrasting trimmings will highlight and define the shape of soft furnishings.
33. Bows can be tied in satin ribbon or in matching or contrasting fabric.
34. Even variant pronunciations of the same word may on occasion be assigned contrasting meanings.
35. Ribbons and slashing are of contrasting bright colours identifying the individual regiments.
36. The village lies in the heart of Winifred Holtby country, between the main Wolds area and the contrasting lowlands of Holderness.
37. It did so by contrasting the answers from two workers who were busily wielding sledgehammers in a rock quarry.
38. Choose a waterproof adhesive and finish off with grout in a contrasting colour.
39. Differences of value-orientation may be manifested in contrasting levels of commitment and readiness to cross picket lines.
40. Nearby they find two oddly contrasting souvenirs, both keys to priceless treasures.
41. They make up a wide pair, with beautiful contrasting colours.
42. The contrasting forces, ranging between solo countertenor and lute and full orchestral complement, rivet the attention.
43. At first it seemed impossible to cope with two employers with their contrasting attitudes towards money.
44. Wear the jacket and skirt with contrasting pieces for a different look.
45. The guide was contrasting the styles of Monet and Manet.
46. The exploration will revolve around the systematic development in youngsters of the desired, and contrasting, characteristics the two valuations entail.
47. Glue two contrasting colours together as shown and use Blu-tack to stick them to walls and doors.
48. There are contrasting arguments as to whether McCree was offered any sort of help.
49. The Star's fuller reports gave a vivid illustration of two starkly contrasting versions of the same incident.
50. Install large rocker switches or paint switches a contrasting color.
51. Our task will be one of comparing and contrasting them.
52. Is there a range of journals, with contrasting editorial policies?
53. The contrasting images which survive of Osred are probably a reflection of the increasing divisions within the Northumbrian kingdom at this time.
54. Again, this is an hypothesis which would repay systematic investigation in respect of historical examples with contrasting forms of division of labour.
55. This striping becomes synonymous with social attachment and is therefore the ideal pattern for evolution to exaggerate with contrasting colours.
56. She has written a book contrasting the two prison systems.
57. Two contrasting colours such a blue and yellow can look effective when freely mingled, each intensifying the impact of the other.
58. By contrasting colour and black and white photography, the men seem to appear more distant and further unobtainable.
59. This is a crucial point reflected in the contrasting views of the role of the state discussed earlier in this chapter.
60. Now consider three contrasting experiments with such a piece of apparatus.