promises造句(121) It really ticks me off when she doesn't keep her promises.
(122) Democratic leaders under election pressure tend to respond with vague promises of action.
(123) My teacher is a man who stands by his promises.
(124) Will their good intentions become realities or are they just hollow promises?
(125) The presidential candidate backwatered on several promises when he got into office.
(126) His repeated promises to pay them back were just empty words.
(127) His promises turned out to be so much hot air.
(128) Should you buy a home from Lovell, the company promises to buy it back at the same price after three years.
(129) While it will be fun, the seminar also promises to be most instructive.
(130) The public is sick of spin and tired of promises. It's time for politicians to act.
(131) The politicians are bidding for our favor by making wild promises that they can't keep.
(132) The Opposition is determined to hold the government to its election promises.
(133) The doctor said she was optimistic about the outcome of the operation but forbore to make any promises at this early stage.
(134) Our company promises to preserve the anonymity of all its clients.
(135) The opposition have dismissed promises of tax cuts as a pre-election gambit.
(136) The government, says the report, have carried out lamentably few of their promises.
(137) Their promises don't go very far towards solving our present problems.
(138) You can't take her promises seriously: she never keeps her word.
(139) The business community regarded the measures as a betrayal of election promises.
(140) Their promises turned out to be full of sham and hypocrisy.
(141) This year promises to be another good one for harvests.
(142) Voters can be remarkably forgiving of presidents who fail to keep their campaign promises.
(143) The promises are so far from reality that they are laughable.
(144) His promises do not add up.
(145) Prevention of coronary heart disease-propaganda, promises, problems and prospects.
(146) Everyone is a millionaire where promises are concerned.Ovid
(147) Powter offers women an irresistible combination of promises.
(148) The sweep into Putumayo promises equally dire consequences.
(149) Maybe, but empty promises are not on the list.
(150) Maybe they just broke too many promises?