hang around造句31. I hang around the pavement by the shop for a bit, fiddling with the ball of string in my pocket.
32. Harrison didn't exactly avoid us, but he made it clear that we were not to hang around his neck.
33. Armies of monks in blood-red robes hang around the place.
34. I hang around for a bit, pretending to look at some writing on the board.
35. Denver ran a mighty interference and on the third day flat-out asked Paul D how long he was going to hang around.
36. When they're still young, girls hang around bus stations, leisure centres, bus shelters or each other's doorsteps.
37. They sometimes stop cars and ask for food, or just hang around the shops at the jetties.
38. Belinda shifted her sandalled feet nervously, wondering suddenly if Deana had decided to hang around until the mythical sailor showed up.
39. From time to time, she fingered the heart pendant and religious medallion that now hang around her neck.
40. The people we hang around with have more influence on our attitudes than we imagine.
41. And this time, the host country might hang around a bit longer.
42. I used to hang around there on weekends, cadging handouts and running errands and hustling cabs for the swells.
43. I didn't hang around to take the blame, just worked that day out and sloped off home.
44. These types hang around the Great in the hope of getting them to pull a string.
45. For a guy like me to hang around kicking his heels ain't natural.
46. The people that you hang around with would be the people that he would hang around with ... and so on.
47. Whatever it was looking for, we didn't hang around to find out.
48. The people I used to hang around with were much older than me anyway, they never knew how old I was.
49. It comes with a gold medal that kids can hang around their necks.
50. I can't afford to hang around here waiting until you deign to come back to collect me.
51. You hang around with your old Chicago school chums.
52. I'm sick of having you hang around that library.
53. Some sleazy characters hang around casinos.
54. I hate to see young people hang around the street.
55. Games start patronizing lot of fans to hang around in Akihabara.
56. But all I can say is that she is hilarious, a goofball , and fun to hang around with.
57. But if you hang around long enough, you'll see me disappear.
58. Teacher: Well , it's good . Everything is dirt cheap. Especially DVDsbooksthere're lots of places to hang around.
59. Hang around a while. There are some books ashore there I want to read.
60. The cubes of fermented beancurd, too, had a magnificent creaminess, but it didn't hang around: quickly vanishing to leave room for appreciation of the delicate soups and stews that came afterwards.