in store造句31. Alice came in store and picked out the color yellow.
32. At intervals lights were being turned on in store windows.
33. Right: stalagmites are one of the many treats in store for the downwardly mobile.
34. Some unexpected surprises are in store for you whilst walking around the gallery.
35. Fitgerald said the process can also be used on counter tops and table top as well as in store display windows.
36. There is also a great deal of quite justified apprehension over what is in store in the coming months.
37. Conservative Members know what is in store for them when they have the guts to call the general election.
38. It is also going for a different approach to merchandising in store, for example siting Waistline beside fresh produce.
39. Earthquake experts like to talk about what lies in store for New York City.
40. Simply use a dice and counters and see what fate has in store.
41. So much for the hype ... here's a taster of what the Falcons have in store for the Air Tattoo.
42. Store accumulator n in store location X are logically sufficient.
43. When the painting is complete it will be married with the Londonderry and Lough Swilly coach body now in store at Pennyburn.
44. But that was before she'd known the traumas that lay in store for her.
45. Even so, his grand accommodation suggests that great things are in store for him.
46. Just look what's in store for you For me, the prospect of clothes shopping is more enjoyable than the reality.
47. He must have picked it up from among the sawn logs in store for fuel.
48. Check dahlias in store and cut away any rotten parts before dusting with fungicide.
49. Adam knows that he and Seth have difficult times in store.
50. For the exceptional practitioner of self-denial a special prize is in store.
51. Specialists are advised to get in touch with the museum to arrange to see items held in store.
52. An even bigger shock was in store when the organisers set to and began breaking out a peg for everyone.
53. Pray heaven she might find the courage to endure the horrors that must lie in store!
54. He has just emerged from the studio after recording his third album; there will be many musical surprises in store.
55. Wondering what the day held in store for us ... and worrying about Giles.
56. Store openings A total of £643 million was invested in store development.
57. Earlier writers had given hints of the rewards that lay in store for those who followed this intellectual path.
58. However, June looks like being a month of domestic bliss with some happy twists of fate in store.
59. Let us consider again the problem of adding together N values held in store locations 100, 101, 102, and so on.
60. The photos, especially those in colour, give a fair taste of what's in store.