until now造句91 Until now administration officials have spoken only in very general terms about the possible design, timetable and cost of missile defenses.
92 Until now, the world of art has been a sacred club. Like fine china.
93 Until now, debate has focused on the merits of putting specific projects such as the stadium expansion on the ballot.
94 But from the first day until now I have never really belonged.
95 Until now it was assumed that sites deep underground provided a stable environment for buried waste.
96 Until now the Bush administration has refused to participate in such a programme.
97 Until now, he had managed that, with a heavy hand and crude peasant humour.
98 Netanyahu faces a major challenge from what, until now, had been his political base.
99 Until now the only sure solution has been to grow peaches under glass, but help may be at hand.
100 Until now they have made a tidy profit from selling re-issued pop hits from the fifties, sixties and seventies.
101 It's given them a flying start ahead of their Japenese competitors, who until now were the traditional market leaders in electronics.
102 Until now I have abstained from commenting on the possible effects of the Human Genome Project on society in future.
103 I hadn't realized the size of the problem until now.
104 Until now the area of freshwater recreation has been sadly neglected.
105 Until now it had been thought that the problem was largely confined to Devon and Cornwall.
106 Up until now most advanced snowboarders have firmly resisted anything except a non-release binding.
107 Until now television had fought shy of covering by-elections.
108 Until now radiation emissions were measured with external device.
109 Until now, a devaluation of the dollar seemed inconceivable.
110 A microphone attached to the bottom of the glider can pick up calls from all whales, including the high frequency call of the beaked whale, which until now has been difficult to detect.
111 Until now, this hasn't been the season of the cavalier, swash - buckling goal - fest.
112 Second, "until now tablets had been found only in a handful of major palaces"—including the previous record holder, which was found among palace ruins in what was the city of Mycenae.
113 Although vegetable polyploid breeding has a history of 70 years, until now only a few polyploidy varieties of watermelon, radish, cabbage and potato are used in vegetable production.
114 Until now, the tiny clump of the heart cells about the size of a poppy seed has been still. But after 22 days a single cell stirs as it jolted to life.
115 They threatened military action but have held off until now.
116 Thematically speaking, it doesn't seem too far from what the director has been until now, you know, showing the forgotten face of China.
117 Until now, scientists have known little about S.I.V.cpz's effects on chimpanzees in the wild, because they lacked the means to identify and monitor chimp behavior there.
118 Until now, we'd focused on requirements-related artifacts, and had spent a relatively small amount of time on evaluating technologies and creating prototypes to support tool selection.
119 However, until now there had been no comprehensive studies of break dancing injuries.
120 But the method, which we call a method of parameter approximate analysis, is not demonstrated completely any systematically until now.