快好知 kuaihz

total cost造句
1. The total cost was $10, 000, plus 14% interest. 2. Please figure out the total cost. 3. The total cost to you is £3 000. 4. I intend to amortize the total cost of the car over three years. 5. The total cost will approximate £15 billion. 6. The total cost was getting on for $100,000. 7. The total cost comes out at 500. 8. Bookkeepers haven't yet tallied up the total cost. 9. The total cost of the project is around Rs 50 lakh. 10. I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $12,500. 11. If Casey is correct, the total cost of the cleanup would come to $110 billion. 12. This is the total cost of the holiday,taking everything in. 13. This makes the total cost of the bulb and energy £27. 14. We need to work out the total cost of the project. 15. The total cost of the project would be more than $240 million. 16. Their accountant calculated the total cost of the project. 17. Golf, for instance, has a relatively high total cost because membership and equipment costs are relatively high. 18. The total cost of the scheme will amount to around £70 million at current prices. 19. Estimates of the total cost vary wildly from $ 200 billion to $ 500 billion per year. 20. The insurance policy must cover the total cost of any possible claim, plus an allowance for inflation. 21. This, with the total cost estimate, is the basis for estimating the return on investment of the project. 22. The total cost has been several million pounds more than budgeted. 23. First, it enables the total cost of the project to be identified unequivocally at the outset. 24. The total cost curve increases at a decreasing rate over some range and then begins to increase at an increasing rate. 24.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 25. They are having to be repaired at a total cost of some £20 million. 26. Initially, you only need five hundred records, the total cost of which can be less than £500. 27. Every parent is asked to contribute a proportion of the total cost. 28. Substituting Equations 1 and 2 into Equation 5 allows total cost to be expressed as a function of Q: 6. 29. In her day cream was 1s. per pint and she estimated the total cost of her trifle at 5s. 6d. 30. But it does shift some people's choices quite sharply in the direction of lower total cost or lower APR.