inexperienced造句31, The inexperienced therapist often feels that he lacks knowledge of sophisticated treatment techniques.
32, George Hegamin is inexperienced at left tackle and gives way to Allen on third down.
33, I should have complained about the first case, but I was inexperienced then.
34, The inexperienced advice worker thus need no longer feel a burden on colleagues, as the need for support has formally been recognised.
35, They were sexually inexperienced at marriage, and scared of babies.
36, It was inherent in the project that Blackeyes should be played by a relatively unknown, inexperienced actress.
37, Provost said the boat operator had practiced the stunt but was relatively inexperienced.
38, Parents may see danger when their children are too inexperienced to recognize it.
39, Four 109s came in on the left flank, firing from such a ridiculous range that Patterson knew the pilots were inexperienced.
40, And he doesn't know what he's talking about: he's too young, too inexperienced, too Edward.
41, Discover the wonderful Ionian Islands on one of our flotillas tailored to give confidence to the inexperienced and freedom to the expert.
42, Date with a diaphragm Take one woman, somewhat nervous, somewhat inexperienced.
43, Voters have tossed out the coalition of young, idealistic, inexperienced and fractious liberal parties that won in 1996.
44, Ards lacked imagination and drive against an inexperienced Town side, and had a lucky escape in the first minute.
45, She wondered whether Nathan was too inexperienced to carry this off.
46, New, inexperienced members of staff are more liable to make errors of judgment.
47, They even took pride in developing new skills which enabled them to use difficult machines which inexperienced people could not use.
48, These search systems must still be suitable for casual use by inept or inexperienced users.
49, Soaring Inexperienced pilots get into difficulties when they are soaring.
50, This would certainly be hazard in a cross wind and, to an inexperienced pilot, in any wind direction.
51, If we add expertise as a variable, then the lone expert will far outperform the inexperienced group.
52, There are a lot of young, inexperienced players on the team.
53, These experiences included assignments such as product coordinator, overseer of sales meetings, trainer of inexperienced salespeople, and task-force member.
54, I was a fully equipped birdwatcher, very inexperienced, perhaps, but with a one-track mind.
55, The Democrats had mounted an intense voter registration drive before the election, bringing thousands of inexperienced voters on to the rolls.
56, However, an inexperienced interviewer may find it difficult to get back on course again.
57, I was too inexperienced and nervous to understand the obviousness of his approach.
58, You might think we were being a bit over-cautious, but these were two very young and inexperienced owls we were releasing.
59, Hardly the kind of sentiment to galvanise an inexperienced squad a few weeks before its departure for an eight-match tour to New Zealand.
60, With the easy-to-use tapes that are available, decorative headings need not present any difficulties to the inexperienced needlewoman.