快好知 kuaihz

151) The pianist sits and dabs at his keyboard, as though he were sorting cards for a seance. 152) The Explorer comes with built-in, 16-bit stereo sound, complete with two speakers and a microphone mounted just above the keyboard. 153) Some seem to have simply added a pull-out keyboard tray to the armoire / entertainment center and renamed it a computer cabinet. 154) It will show a Cyrillic keyboard at the Moscow ComTech show on April 27. 155) When Cristofori built his pianos of the 1720s, the harpsichord and the clavichord were the usual stringed keyboard instruments. 156) Age has slowed her speed, but she uses the Dvorak keyboard and still wins accuracy awards. 157) An occupational therapist helped her choose a keyboard as part of an overhaul of her work station and typing posture. 158) Such pupils should be enabled to produce their written work on a word processor or concept keyboard. 159) The keyboard player obviously cares more about advancing his or her career than the future of the band. 160) Besides a standard keyboard, the memex would have rows of buttons and levers. 161) Does the mouse pointer still work even if the keyboard doesn't? 162) The ideal position for the mouse is on the same plane as the keyboard and as close to the keyboard as possible. 163) Summary Alternate ways of communicating with computers are required which do not require a keyboard. 164) Eventually found it, set the keyboard shortcuts by yourself. 165) The sound-controlled keyboard realizes input by reading key name. 166) Team spirit nurtured through group keyboard music lessons. 167) First, a map of the keyboard layout is created. 168) To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard. 169) The keyboard sends a message to the bank's computer. 170) And then use keyboard to knock up. 171) Input data from the keyboard are stored in memory. 172) The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard. 173) Keyboard Interface and Application of the principle of teaching materials have many, but usually each have their own methods, each have their own merits. 174) The PX-120 can be divided into two keyboard areas, which can be transposed individually. 175) At the very beginning of learning playing the piano, it makes no difference for the player to practice on a function completed MIDI keyboard or a real piano keyboard. 176) CPLD manages chip logic of the keyboard electric circuit, and DM642 external interrupt monitors states of the button. 177) Previously, I've used those yellow Post-It notes to keep my to-do list organized (I'd stick them to my desk in front of my keyboard) and a pocket-size black Moleskine notebook. 178) Not everyone enjoys writing the software required for keyboard encoding. 179) We're predicting Apple will incorporate new multitouch gestures, and maybe even the accelerometer, to trigger functions of the traditional QWERTY keyboard. 180) On notes list view, long press on Option Menu button, you will see the keyboard, input the keywords, you will proceed the quick search feature on the note list.