快好知 kuaihz

indulge in造句
61. This is no time to indulge in sarcasm. 62. Don't always indulge in empty talk. 63. The company was too conservative to indulge in ballyhoo in its advertising. 64. During his years at the two schools, Mr. Lu was able to indulge in the works of his favorite directors: Akira Kurosawa, Ingmar Bergman, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Jim Jarmusch. 65. We live in an era of rage. What begins as road rage escalates into out and out war as two grown men indulge in meanness and cruelty under the intense pressure of their personal problems. 66. So indulge in a little Thanksgiving daydream. Long for the oyster stuffing. 67. Fillmore took advantage of the situation to indulge in all sorts of escapades. 68. Sunbathing, lake sand bathing, fishing on the lakeside, and touring the lake by boat, along with other activities, often make the visitors indulge in pleasure without stop. 69. Nisan is part of a thriving subculture of men and women in Japan who indulge in real relationships with imaginary characters. 70. It was not the old man to indulge in elaborate preliminaries. 71. Impotence is in no way related to masturbation, which is a normal activity that people indulge in. 72. We hope relevant parties do not indulge in their wishful calculations. 73. We must not indulge in an over-realized eschatology which leads to the triumphalistic attitude that we have already arrived. 74. Nana in those days was subject to the fancies a sentimental girl will indulge in. 75. I even went so far as to indulge in a fling at the principal. 76. Second, they may indulge in it, thus dilapidate their study, which isn't rare. 77. It's the last extravagance we'll be able to indulge in this year. 78. I blamed the absence of machismo in my upbringing for my reluctance to indulge in the oldest profession. 79. They are physically affectionate. Loving couples indulge in handholding, hugging and cuddling. 80. This enhanced reproductive efficiency is multiplied by the ability of men-with-very-small-penises to fertilise multiple ladies every time they indulge in sexual intercourse. 81. Do not permit children to indulge in superfluities until esqsentials are met. 82. You can indulge in a perhaps rare chance to cozy up at home and dive into a good book. 83. Yet, even when I resort to saying I'm recovering from a severe stomach flu, the host still ends up forcing or sending me on a guilt trip to indulge in this celebratory dessert. 84. This is the United States of inadequate supervision by the regulatory authorities, or to indulge in his capacity as the rentier looting. 85. They are both misogynic, tend to compulsively compete with others, indulge in spiritual victory and unconsciously have fear of death. 86. Those who said they were in a bad mood on their way into a shop were more likely to indulge in an impulse buy. 87. Set in the typical architecture of Ibiza, Bossa Park Hotel Ibiza Island is an ideal place to experience all the pleasures and to indulge in numerous activities. 88. Ordinarily this would have been my cue to indulge in a display of self-righteous indignation, but there's not much point when nobody can understand you. 89. Indulge in the sexy sweetness of this ultra - luxe body lotion. 90. The Day of Prayer for Peace does not in any way indulge in religious syncretism.