快好知 kuaihz

31. Men and women alike have been constricted by traditional sexual roles. 32. My near - acceptable ( I think ) pronunciation concealed an awfully constricted range of Chinese vocabulary. 33. To reduce the kerf width and to improve the kerf quality, the experiments of ceramic cutting with water constricted plasma arc are carried out. 34. Reading how our symphony caused you sleepless nights, I felt my heart constricted. 35. This enabled visualization of any change in the ciliary body, when the pupil was constricted by carbachol , or when the scleral overlying the ciliary body was indented. 36. Corolla sympetalous, tube gradually dilated, usually 6-keeled in middle portion, then constricted abruptly to a neck and expanded to a clavate tip, lobes reflexed. 37. My near - acceptable ( I think ) pronunciation belied an awfully constricted range of Chinese vocabulary. 38. Arterioles may be tightly constricted , as they usually are in shock, attempting to preserve arterial pressure. 39. Results. Expansion thoracoplasty of the constricted left hemithorax improved scoliosis but increased left lung volumes only moderately compared with Disease rabbits. 40. The rounds are definitely not particularly constricted except in the case of extremely narrow ore veins. 41. Porous media is simplified as a bunch of constricted capillary tubes according to the grain diameter, particle arrangement, pore-throat scaling ratio and saturation of immobile water. 41. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 42. From that glass door the pale-faced man went to the count's bedroom and raised with a constricted hand the curtain of a window overlooking the court-yard. 43. A self aligned constricted mesa ( SACM ) high speed 1.55μ m MQW DFB laser is developed. 44. Cor. 6:12 You are not constricted in us, but you are constricted in your inward parts. 45. Vascular depression may result when blood vessels become less flexible and harden over time, becoming constricted. 46. The company, says Morita, is not constricted by a formal research and development budget; it simply pours as much money as seems necessary into a promising idea. 47. The duplicates are attached to each other at a constricted region called the centromere. 48. These were compared with Disease rabbits allowed to grow with a constricted left hemithorax and Normal rabbits. 49. Many of the women I spoke to left because they felt constricted. 50. Winston's diaphragm was constricted. 51. Prof Eccles theorizes that the sick students had asymptomatic viruses that turned symptomatic when the chill constricted blood vessels in their nose, allowing the viruses to replicate.