快好知 kuaihz

1 Spare when you’re young, and spend when you’re old. 2 Re your letter of 1 September ... 3 Thanks for helping, you' re a sweetie. 4 The phone company re - presented the bill for payment. 5 You mustn't overdo it - if you' re tired, just sit down and start again. 6 Many illnesses are the re - sult of inadequate sanita - tion. 7 Dear Mrs Cox, Re: Household Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions. 8 You' re such a fidget! 9 To: John Deacon. From: Maria Soames. Re: computer system. 10 External walls will be re rendered and tiled. 11 If you expect nothing from anybody, you’re never disappointed.Sylvia Plath 12 Re planning meeting on Friday, please bring sales figures. 13 We re licensed as an acute care facility. 14 Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.Brene Brown 15 Not only will that skill help your re sume, it will make you familiar with on-line job recruiting. 16 Re. move with a slotted utensil and drain on paper towels. 17 Finch, a retired National Park Service administrator, has been re searching Hunter since 1961. 18 Record of regional meeting. 3 Reply to chairman re the proposed development at Woodhall Mains Farm. 19 Phone call from Education Office, re. dinner money summary sheets. 20 Then, when what you re seeing looks good, take off your clothes and look some more. 21 Not only will that skill help your re sume, it will make you familiar with on-line job recruiting. Explore alternatives. 22 "I'’m bored" is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say "I’m bored.".Louis C.K. 23 If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.Barack Obama 24 You can customise the behavior of the Asynchronous Server and hence re - brand it by defining your own command set for ... 25 In Figure 16.9, equilibrium is achieved with a rate of interest re and a quantity of money Me. 26 If you keep your eye on the profit, you’re going to skimp on the product. But if you focus on making really great products, then the profits will follow.Steve Jobs 27 Fed by the dual fires of inflation and dissatisfaction with public services, the tax re volt spread quickly. 28 If we don’t want to define ourselves by things as superficial as our appearances, we’re stuck with the revolting alternative of being judged by our actions.Ellen Degeneres 29 Nearly twenty years ago that was, and now you re a grown woman. 30 The chairman has written to the Director of Planning re the proposed development at Hermiston but has received no reply.