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pyramids of egypt造句
1. The pyramids of Egypt have long drawn people's attention. 2. The pyramids of Egypt are actually massive tombs. 3. I have seen the Pyramids of Egypt. 4. The pyramids of Egypt from the tomb of the early development of Tomb Masitaba open come. 5. Pyramid generally refers to the pyramids of Egypt. But there are other pyramids, such as the Mayan pyramids, Aztec pyramid (pyramid of the sun, the moon pyramid), etc... 6. The mighty pyramids of Egypt have survived through the rise and fall of many empires. 7. Miniature furniture, for example, was discovered in the pyramids of Egypt. 8. They will learn history by visiting the pyramids of Egypt, or by hand-feeding friendly dinosaurs, all in the security of VR. 9. The pyramids of Egypt and the Center for Strategic Studies Military Political Research Director Mohammed Said, told reporters that Libya is expected to end the war within a week. 10. The pyramids of Egypt and the Roman Forum were very up to date in their time. 11. In addition to the pyramids of Egypt is now Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors and Horses and the protection of more intact, the other six major miracle has been destroyed. 12. They are embodied in the pyramids of Egypt, the cathedrals of Europe and even the skyscrapers of modern cities. 13. The pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China could not have been built without good management systems. 14. Some pyramids of Egypt contain the body of the Pharaoh. 15. The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. 16. They labored for 8 years, working around the clock, building the largest concrete structure in the world since the ancient pyramids of Egypt, was such a monumental task ever been undertaken. 17. Three of the biggest man-made projects in the world are the Great Wall of China, the Pyramids of Egypt and the Aswan High Dam, which is also in Egypt. 18. Malls or stadiums surrounded by huge parking lots. Bridges, or as we'll see, miles-long dike/ causeways. Plus the Pyramids of Egypt in the right light. Etc. 19. "The cultural enlightenment from excavating the tomb of Qinshi Huang will surpass the pyramids of Egypt, " Zhang Wuchang of Hong Kong University said in a recent article that has sparked the debate. 20. Cairo, Egypt - No must see travel list would be complete without a visit to see the ancient pyramids of Egypt.