快好知 kuaihz

1 They have wheedled a holiday from the headmaster. 2 Our teacher has been promoted to headmaster. 3 The headmaster is waiting for someone to own up. 4 He took over from the previous headmaster in February. 5 Last night the headmaster promised a full investigation. 6 Mr. Jones became headmaster last year. 7 I'll report you to the headmaster. 8 The teacher was called away by the headmaster. 9 He resigned his post as headmaster. 10 The headmaster extended our holiday by four days. 11 The headmaster is a powerful man. 12 Our headmaster rattled on for at least two hours at the opening ceremony. 13 What the old headmaster said at the graduation ceremony dwells in my mind. 14 The headmaster stood on a platform at one end of the hall. 15 That forceful young woman edged out the former headmaster and is now headmaster herself. 16 I had a long talk with the headmaster about my son. 17 The headmaster praised the boys for their neat turn-out. 18 I'm acting as deputy till the headmaster returns. 19 The headmaster is trying to knock off every objection. 20 Be civil to the headmaster. 21 The headmaster was a leftover from the Victorian era. 22 The deputy headmaster was taking school assembly that day. 23 The headmaster ruled the school with a stern discipline. 24 You need a thick skin to be a headmaster. 25 She passed a cup of tea to the headmaster. 26 The headmaster gave the signal to begin. 27 The new headmaster tightened discipline in the school. 28 The headmaster glanced about our classroom. 29 The headmaster confiscated Tommy's pea - shooter. 30 His succession as headmaster was not in any doubt.