lesbian造句31 Reno apparently felt compelled to deny not just that she was a lesbian, but that she had any sexuality at all.
32 Several in both groups were lesbian, some because they had formed such relationships in approved school or Borstal.
33 Johnson was one of the handful in the debate who spoke positively about lesbian and gay relationships.
34 Censorship will continue to threaten Britain's lesbian and gay communities from within as well as from without.
35 Clearly societal distinctions also operate in the lesbian and gay communities.
36 But of course such differences have always been erotically invested, not least in lesbian and gay cultures.
37 As an out lesbian, I don't think my sexuality is any of your business.
38 You do not have to be a separatist or even a lesbian to enjoy the benefits of graduated separatism.
39 Only London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard seems to grow, still balancing on a tightrope - a difficult and dangerous trick.
40 Even at lesbian conferences such as Canterbury, Nottingham and Bristol, separatists were castigated for being smug extremists.
41 Eventually, more and more of us became convinced that working on lesbian and gay rights issues would actually strengthen the movement.
42 Mike Leavitt has signed into law a bill banning public schools from granting recognition or access to gay or lesbian student groups.
43 Donna Landry entertains very little doubt that Leapor's poetry is basically lesbian though the case is not argued in depth.
44 Lesbian Women with Disabilities and Health - A 10 week course for lesbian women with disabilities from different backgrounds and situations.
45 Perhaps they have been fearful that supporting lesbian colleagues would mean they too would have to come out.
46 In fact, he was the one who encouraged me to go down to the Lesbian and Gay Centre in Edinburgh.
47 The first is one of a self-conscious confusion, the second of discomfort at being a lesbian.
48 Then I took a deep breath and began to talk about lesbian and gay rights.
49 The Haringey Lesbian and Gay Unit was established weeks before the 1986 council elections, and it featured prominently in the campaign.
50 Why else would she not go out with them unless she were a lesbian?
51 The gay and lesbian rights movement has finally brought those strictures crashing down.
52 In other words, any immigrant, disabled, single-parent,[http:///lesbian.html] unemployed lesbian trombonist could get a grant for turning up.
53 Some people, even within the lesbian and gay community, are opposed to the idea of gay marriage.
54 They are generally in opposition to white liberals, environmentalists and some gay and lesbian political powers.
55 Lang was the first major pop star to come out as a lesbian.
56 Let me suggest another topic: the recent violent murder of two lesbian activists in Oregon.
57 It cited a scene in Brookside in which Beth and Margaret engaged in a lesbian kiss, arguing that this courted controversy.
58 Inevitably, there has been an increased distrust of party politics in the lesbian and gay communities since the Clause debacle.
59 Gay and lesbian couples should be eligible for the same health benefits as married heterosexual couples.
60 Lesbian lovers are not nasty, they are told, but women involved in stable relationships.