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31, The Ormerod School educates handicapped children from Oxfordshire. 32, Beverley Lewis was born blind, deaf and mentally handicapped. 33, The needs of the mentally handicapped vary accordingly. 34, This would involve four handicapped people and four helpers. 35, She's angry at the way it portrays handicapped people, and has helped organise a blockade of a television studio. 36, Their handicap is like any other permanent disability, such as some one who is physically handicapped through the loss of a limb. 37, Domiciliary services can help the handicapped and their families, especially when the mental disability is accompanied by physical handicap. 38, Living with other severely handicapped people, Mother also had plenty of reminders of the fragility of her existence. 39, Your charity is having problems finding homes, particularly for black and handicapped children. 40, Then the local centre for the handicapped lent them a wheelchair, so they were able to get out and about. 41, Since qualifying as a Medau teachers in 1968 she has taught regular classes for adults, children and the mentally handicapped. 42, More severely handicapped people often suffer from physical as well as mental disabilities. 43, The problems surrounding the termination of the mentally handicapped are not just moral, but practical and medical. 44, One reason for this is that mentally handicapped people are living longer, and this is balancing out the reduction in admissions. 45, It is an important protection against behaving in unprofessional ways like procuring an illegal abortion or killing a handicapped baby. 46, Thus, under its definitions, no one is crippled and no one is handicapped in this society. 47, Although the kangaroo has a fast turn of speed on the plan, he is handicapped when climbing trees. 48, A second level of priority was assigned to provisions for those severely handicapped children whose educations were judged to be inadequate. 49, In less imaginative hands, Liz - an unmarried and uncommunicative mum of a handicapped baby - would surely come a cropper. 50, One thinks of younger siblings and playmates, handicapped friends, and animals. 51, Students sometimes seek permission to record lectures: not a good idea, except perhaps in the case of some handicapped students. 52, These offer valuable information and rehabilitation services to handicapped individuals. 53, Such changes are, however, being implemented by people who have the needs of the mentally handicapped at heart. 54, When and if this occurs, decisions about mentally handicapped babies will be made with a full consideration of the issues involved. 55, Considerable progress has been made in the education of mentally handicapped people since the legislation in 1971. 56, That means meeting the needs of the exceptionally gifted as well as those of the physically handicapped and socially deprived. 57, An analysis of the anguished reactions of parents assuming new roles of parenting a handicapped child illustrates some typical responses. 58, The changes might include a handicapped parking space or a phone voice amplifier. 59, Mentally and physically handicapped do light work according to their capability, but get the same wages as everybody else. 60, It is even possible for them to find out about recreational equipment for physically handicapped learners, for example.