alluvial造句61. The Green River Formation of Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah contains alluvial fan deposits and playa evaporites created in a huge lake whose level fluctuated for millions of years.
62. The main bodies of these alluvial fans were formed during Late Pleistocene.
63. Forestry Minxian Ma alluvial gold along the tree farm in the village.
64. The studied platinum - gold placer occurs in Quaternary alluvial - diluvial a piedmont valley of ultrabasic rocks, Northwest China.
65. Alluvial soil A type of soil formed on river floodplains and deltas, where new sediment is deposited on the land during floods.
66. Like much of east India, Shahabpur has rich alluvial soil, a gift of the Ganges, which flows three miles to the south.
67. The main type of soils on the Yellow River Flood Plain in North China is called Chaotu(alluvial soil) by Chinese.
68. Applying 5 kg N and skg P2O5 Per mu as seed manure and 5kg N at the stage of three leaves is the technology of economic high - yield fertilization to realize the yield 300 kg per mu on alluvial soil.
69. Terraces by the fourth grade alluvial, alluvial material , thick loess soil better.
70. This is an alluvial flat where no villager dares to plant crops.
71. The Nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the alluvial - diluvial fan of Zhangjiakou area has increased year by year.
72. Kinds of alluvial and pluvial placers were formed in Quaternary as No. 13 series.
73. So the Yellow River alluvial soil expresses some engineering characteristics, such as, difficultly to be compacted and stabilized with inorganic binder, and large foundation depression.
74. At first light, I started my trek up an alluvial fan into an unnamed canyon in the Cottonwood Mountains.
75. The scattering and diffraction of plane P waves by circular-are alluvial valleys with water is studied in this paper. The Fourier- Bessel series expansion technique is used to solve this problem.
76. The impact of different pioneer crops on soil physical and chemical properties was studied on abandoned farmland of alluvial fan-fringe area in the Manas River valley.
77. Time scale distortion in physical model of river process in alluvial streams always affects the experiment results and deviation to original prototype.
78. Soil: Altitude 260 meters, southeast orientation . Limestone grounds , argilo - limestones alluvial and cryoclastic.
79. In vertical, the evolution of sedimentary facies of Yi-ma Group is alluvial fan system. lake delta system, lake system from the bottom of the Group to the top.
80. Because the region around New Orleans is composed of alluvial soil, there is no paving material close at hand.
81. Cultivated soil - forming parent material is mainly slope sediments , fluvial and alluvial materials.
82. Although the region had experienced moderate seismic activity in the past, the city of Tangshan has been built on unstable, alluvial soil.
83. Many minerals are found in alluvial deposits of sand, clay, or gravel.
84. He, together with a team of 750 people, have uncovered ancient city and harbor walls and recovered thousands of artifacts from the deep alluvial soil.
85. Due to the higher buffer capacity of yellow soil, the risk of P release from it when flooded is less than that of purple soil or alluvial soil.
86. It is suggested that the sandy lenticular bodies of alluvial flat and neritic facies are favourable reservoir zones for ultra shallow biogas exploration.
87. The land is rich alluvial soil, much of which is so sandy that borders looks more like dark-coloured, plumped-up sand dunes than earth.
88. The eastern part of the western Henan province is covered with eolian loess and alluvial or diluvial loess. The Holocene and Late Pleistocene loess have low to moderate collapsibility.
89. Over 3 billion years ago, when the climate on Mars was much wetter, a channel breached the crater's rim and carved deep gullies into its sides, leaving behind large fan-shaped alluvial deposits.
90. Results show that response at surface points of the alluvial soil deposit are amplified significantly for given conditions of shape, dimension and material properties of the soil and the canyon.