detection造句31. Environmental concentration of legionellae might have been underestimated because of technical obstacles to detection.
32. The principle of waveform detection using motional voltage can be illustrated by referring to a three.phase variable.reluctance stepping motor with one-phase-on excitation.
33. To the anatomists, the search for order involved the detection of underlying relationships between the structures of different species.
34. And it invites the conclusion that rhodopsin-like compounds are a particularly favoured way of going about light detection in the animal world.
35. For the detection and typing of human papillomavirus we used cervical scrapes instead of biopsy specimens.
36. His style was vivid, with a penchant for colourful, even shady, characters, and a zest for historical detection.
37. Rock mechanical property computations, estimation of in-situ stress directions and fracture detection completed the study.
38. Such programmes should be directed at lifestyle rather than disease detection, and targeted at improving the health of women of all ages.
39. Both types of cancer are now subject to national screening programmes as early detection may prevent these cancers being fatal.
40. Amperometric transducers have generally been more successful than their potentiometric counterparts, allowing detection of many organic solutes.
41. The incidence of mental handicap can also be prevented by its early detection in the womb through medical tests.
42. Biotechnology can enable the early detection of some viral infections.
43. One contentious area where ethical controversies abound concerns genetic screening and the detection of high risk groups.
44. Activator and quencher ions may produce their effects at extremely low concentrations, below the detection limits of the electron microprobe.
45. However, the detection of word boundaries is relatively simple since they are usually indicated by physical spacing on the page.
46. He knew what things to do to avoid detection and he also knew what to do to create an image.
47. Hundreds die each year from exposure, drowning and dehydration as they try to elude detection by U.S.
48. Tank owners are required to have leak detection equipment installed by December 1993.
49. Traditional spelling error detection and correction data is for typed input.
50. Early detection regimens should not be applied unless benefit is shown in terms of reduced mortality from cancer in randomised prospective trials.
51. The project is intended to assist engineers with the development of a smoke detection system for the planned international space station.
52. This Important feature enables a waveform detection system to do much more than provide signals confirming step completion in high speed systems.
53. Alternatively, anti-HEV titres in subjects infected as children but not re-exposed as adults could have diminished beyond detection.
54. The net result was rising crime and falling detection rates - an astonishing pattern in our sensible and law-abiding community.
55. Single conspicuous targets in the half-field contralateral to the lesion could elicit fixations, implying detection and orienting by a subcortical system.
56. Therefore, the detection of turbidity is associated with the presence of hemoglobin S. 219.
57. He couldn't escape detection if he tried to swim through!
58. Similar studies of intestinal antibodies might facilitate the detection of latent coeliac disease in other situations.
59. He had avoided detection during the war, when for wholly different reasons he was murdered by the Saigon secret police.
60. The chapters on the various analytical techniques used in the detection and study of drugs of abuse are of more general interest.