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in short supply造句
31. With food being in short supply, it was illegal to throw bread into rivers. 32. Certainly fresh, new ideas were in short supply during the sessions I attended. 33. But what when these extrinsic rewards are in short supply? 34. The two do not always go together and experts who combine the two are in short supply. 35. Water is in short supply, dimming the promise of rice cultivation, which is highly water-intensive. 36. Food was in short supply; women stood in line for hours for a bucket of drinking water. 37. Such personnel are already in short supply and therefore efficient and cost effective training methods are required. 38. But brightness was in short supply as his players trooped off to a crescendo of boos. 39. Some have escaped from orphanages where food and warmth are in short supply and compassion even shorter. 40. Goodwill has been in short supply on Capitol Hill as Congressional leaders have busied themselves this month trading ethics allegations. 41. Top managers are in short supply. 42. The two companies that make leucovorin, a generic cancer drug that's in short supply, are shedding some light on what's causing the shortage. 43. In a world awash with information, insight is often in short supply. 44. Understanding and forecasting capacity based on one's own organization as well as industry patterns based on other cloud-oriented organizations will be a skill in short supply. 45. But read any selection of blogs (there are over 112m of them in the English language alone) and you quickly learn that meaningful information is in short supply. 46. Determining the true age distribution is crucial, as it will help set the policy for who should be first in line for vaccines and how to ration antiviral drugs if they are in short supply. 47. At present artemisinin is expensive and in short supply because its only source is sweet wormwood, a Chinese medicinal plant. 48. Natural gas , which used to be available to generate electricity, was already in short supply. 49. The integrated membrane deionization system is economic, efficient, environmental friendly, especially applicable to water recirculation and wastewater reuse in regions where water is in short supply. 50. In short supply of water, leaf carboxylation efficiency and apparent quantum yield were cut down. 51. Short-dated Treasury bills used as collateral in interbank markets have been in short supply since the Treasury has shifted toward longer maturities and is no longer selling paper to support the SFP. 52. Integrity is in short supply today and getting scarer. But it is the real bottom line in every area of society. And it is something we must demand of ourselves. 53. The European Common Market strictly restricts the import of competitive agricultural products. But the products which are in short supply are seldom influenced by trade protection. 54. Labor was in short supply , and real wages were much higher than in England. 55. Rice is in short supply, which is a terrible world crisis right now. 56. Countertrade can also be used to stimulate home industries or where raw materials are in short supply. 57. Some of the books in the display window are in short supply. 58. Eider down clothes of novel design have Been in short supply this winter. 59. The reclamation of space will be key for 21st century eco-architecture, and as we continue to densify our city centres, open recreational space will increasingly become in short supply. 60. New Heavy Steel plant, into a new production line, products in short supply.