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in reality造句
121. But, in reality, the violence was provoked by the government. 122. Dryden makes him sound a monument of dullness; in reality he is brisk, lively and journalistic. 123. Jobs in the state sector are allocated by examination, but in reality the system is riddled with nepotism and clientism. 124. In reality, the role of the project team and its contribution has been much more expansive. 125. In reality, he offers a well-marketed novelty candidacy that can thrive in the anyone-but-Dole niche. 126. In reality it is a membrane, the pineal gland, regarded in the East as the seat of extra-sensory perception. 127. In reality, many managers believe these issues can be addressed by merely investing in technology and training. 128. Experts agree that in reality, the company looked after the workforce no better than most other employers of that time. 129. In reality, sensory deprivation has made the horse bored silly. 130. Then note if you think that in reality, more staff and therefore more cost would be involved with the alternative system. 131. In reality, Yusuf was not even present and El Cid was to live for several more years. 132. She was convinced that he was in reality quite fond of them both. 133. Life is far more richly graded and shaded, in reality, than terms like working-class and middle-class allow. 134. In reality, there are probably more important things in life than baseball games. 135. I was beating him in the storyline, but he was, in reality, desperate to win all the races. 136. In reality Goldie is a shrewd operator who is proud to have made it to the top on her own merits. 137. But in reality, none of these programmes is helping to increase the production of firewood. 138. In reality, it is often much harder to classify actual systems unambiguously than this simple dichotomy would suggest. 139. Although it was policy for all children to be welcome in council provision, in reality this was highly variable. 140. Such an inner object will always remain inviolate within us, whatever happens in reality. 141. The equation for equilibrium conditions is, in reality, a combination of these two dis-equilibrium conditions. 142. In reality, it's just a form of Islamophobia. 143. In reality they don't hold out hope of victory. 144. But in reality, we fudge a middle ground. 145. In reality, helical springs symmetric pitch near both ends. 146. Finally introduction multinomial distribution simple application in reality. 147. In reality, throughput is affected by a large number of variables including message arrival rate, message processing time, multiprocessing and scheduling, and resource constraints. 148. Accordingly, in reality, our user goes before the sloughy relay add of DOC insensibly. 149. In reality, the invulnerability does not go into effect until the next downtime. 150. At last it draw on the experience of the European Currency Unit and researched the feasibility of the SDR development path, derived that SDR as a parallel currency in reality may be reality.