快好知 kuaihz

1. His back was covered in weals and bruises. 2. The beating had left red weals on his buttocks . 3. His back was covered with weals where he had been repeatedly beaten. 4. For a second she stood alone, livid weals striping her from head to foot. 5. Fingermarks stood in raised weals across one cheek and her left eye was half closed. 6. Willie's arms and legs were covered in bruises, weals and sores. 7. I could see the great livid weals of scars running across the small of her back and down her mighty thighs. 8. Moreover, the thin weal of the scar along his cheek was of a kind to tell its own story. 9. The press is a guardian of the public weal. 10. He was faithful to me in weal and woe. 11. Love is sharing weal and woe. 12. We are brothers sharing weal and woe. 13. And what is the harm the common weal? 14. Our two peoples are brothers sharing weal and woe. 15. And what is the harm to the common weal? 16. Come weal, come woe , we care na by. 17. He is worth no weal that can bide no woe. 18. Joe and Mary are a couple who share weal and woe. 19. A loyal man stands by his friends in weal or woe. 20. No weal without woe. 21. Either lower or higher doses are then injected serially until the weal or the symptoms disappear. 22. She pulled the white cord so tight it cut red weals into the white flesh. 23. Others administer substances by intradermal injections and record the size of the cutaneous weal. 24. In fact the tension between individual desire and collective weal is present in almost all realms of human life. 25. There were marks on her skin where the jewels had pressed - weals almost. 26. I do believe in true love the willingness to share weal and woe with my beloved. 27. In such governments administration has been organized to subserve the general weal with the simplicity and effectiveness vouchsafed only to the undertakings of a single will. 28. The only remains, i also hear their songs at the midnight the weal and woe. 29. We treat each other with all sincerity , and share weal and woe. 30. During the late 19th and early 19th centuries the open-field system ended when the Enclosure acts enabled weal their landowner to seize any land to which tenants could prove no legal title.