快好知 kuaihz

(1) The case is illustrative of a common pattern. (2) Choose illustrative examples from the children's everyday experience. (3) That outburst was illustrative of her bad temper. (4) Falling house prices are illustrative of the crisis facing the construction industry. (5) A second illustrative example was taken from The Observer newspaper. (6) For illustrative purposes , only a simple example is given here. (7) Unfortunately, Godwin's illustrative examples give the game away. (8) His lectures are full of illustrative stories. (9) Others: These generic strategies are illustrative. (10) Illustrative of every-day life and everyday people. (11) The calculations shown here are for illustrative purposes. (12) I relied heavily upon Hedley Byrne as illustrative. (13) Graphics and other illustrative material has its part to play as well and this is an area which receives little attention. (14) An ideal type is illustrative, but it does not necessarily correspond exactly to any real-world example. (15) Whilst this is a major problem, a short illustrative example can be given. (16) Inpart the sweetness in his illustrative work grows out of his delight in the physical nature of things. (17) Most of my illustrative work there involved straight forward plant portraiture, in both two and three dimensions. (18) They are shown here for illustrative purposes to illustrate the time value of money concept. (19) It was taught dogmatically, with much logic-chopping and illustrative syllogisms. (20) We begin with an illustrative example and then develop the general condition. (21) Our intention was to dress a model for illustrative purposes, not to create fashion victims. (22) All vehicles carry videotapes and illustrative material and are designed to accommodate up to sixteen girls working in pairs at eight work stations. (23) Three examples are taken from the research outlined in the previous section as illustrative materials showing what is here meant by translation. (24) In another undated letter to Gaunt Minton admits that owing to the pressure of illustrative work he had not painted for eight months. (25) This may take the form of supporting evidence, additional explanation or illustrative details and examples. (26) Introduction to nonlinear problems with emphasis on practical modelling, illustrative examples from pure and applied science, and use of computers. (27) In such cases the interview is used to collect illustrative material to complement other material and findings. (28) Fry acknowledges the Brotherhood's opposition to the Royal Academy but finally, with regret, condemns the works as illustrative. (29) The widespread confusion between raw number of passes and percentage pass rates is illustrative here. (30) Some element of classroom observation and practice is included and is important for illustrative purposes.