sexism造句(31) Jovially swapping innuendos which a year earlier would have been seen as bad taste sexism by the singer.
(32) Is this not the worst and most pernicious kind of sexism?
(33) She felt she had learned something new about sexism from the history of the word.
(34) The armed forces have worked to eliminate racism and sexism in their organizations.
(35) There is no overtly political comment, and hardly any mention of social evils such as racism and sexism.
(36) Disability works against people with impairments in the same way as sexism works against women.
(37) Domestic sexism does not guarantee sexism in public affairs, although one is often a symptom of the other.
(38) But more subtle problems remain-related to sexism, pure and simple.
(39) This would be good in itself as well as helping to decrease sexism in mathematics classroom materials.
(40) But after years of training, fighting red tape and vicious sexism, Gera lasted for one game.
(41) What, then, of the sexism that seems to be built into language itself?
(42) One more subtle form of sexism contributes to lower salaries for women, Sullivan said.
(43) Only 1 man in 5 worries about being accused of sexism.
(44) Into this category I put such obvious improvements as eliminating sexism from textbooks, other curriculum materials and examinations.
(45) It is not, of course, invariably helpful to make analogies between sexism and racism.
(46) Since far fewer females than males commit crimes, this preoccupation has been one main source of sexism.
(47) So, what is to be done about sexism in language?
(48) His suggestions can only reinforce the anti-male sexism inherent in some areas of child care work.
(49) The initial purpose of the groups was to provide a friendly forum for discussing sexism and the Standing.
(50) This is because the areas of women's greatest visibility in sociology tend also to contain examples of the most rampant sexism.
(51) Angry and hurt at the continuing racism and sexism at Columbia, Joanne speaks out but tries to choose her moments.
(52) The topic of sexism in language is probably the best known of all feminist linguistic concerns.
(53) Ultimately, the answers lie in the hard fact that racism and sexism remain powerful currents in our national life.
(54) He thought he'd like to see her again as long as she didn't whinge too much about sexism.
(55) Of course we can contest this kind of sexism by arguing about the accuracy of particular scientific findings.
(56) The Working Groups on Sexism continued to meet throughout the spring and into the scorching Washington summer.
(57) Sexism rarely manifests itself so grotesquely as in the cohabitation rule, and hostility to it among feminists is virtually unanimous.
(58) It confronts racism, sexism, privilege, abuse, but tries soulfully not to lose its integrity.
(59) This reflects not only homophobia but also sexism, since gay men are stereotyped as effeminate, too much like women.
(60) In the interests of clarity, however, I will look at sexism in linguistic practice from two slightly different angles.