calibrate造句31 This paper presents a Local Osicillator (LO) buffer for WLAN which can tune the I/Q phase of the LO signal in order to calibrate IQ imbalance in direct conversion transceiver.
32 A new approach to calibrate camera parameters by image pair is presented.
33 Four-wheel alignment, as a basic equipment of vehicle inspection and test is also the core equipment to measure and calibrate the parameter of wheel alignment.
34 Prior to applying a gravity model, one has to calibrate the impedance function.
35 The main content of the paper is as follow:(1) camera calibrationUse the single-view calibrating method of vanishing points to calibrate the non-metric digital camera.
36 The engineers also wrote the procedures that Navy technicians use to calibrate the goggle testers.
37 PLUGE pattern is a test pattern used to calibrate the black level on a display monitor to that of a DVD player, a VCR, or some other source.
38 In order to calibrate the thermal mass air flow meter by the method of standard flow meter, this paper designs a suit of thermal flow meter's calibration test-bed.
39 A place to carefully calibrate, sanitize and bowdlerize our words for every possible audience, now and forever.
40 A new method utilizing zenith observing to calibrate star sensor was proposed.
41 So it is used instead to calibrate more practical current - measuring instrument, called ammeters.
42 Repair, calibrate, and upgrade medical devices and sensors at our Taoyuan facility.
43 In order to dynamically calibrate the testing system of a special project, the device that can generate controllable trapezoidal pulse signals was developed.
44 Two Methods: To calibrate the sensor positions of the large flexible array had been proposed here.
45 Therefore, it is essential to test and calibrate a scanner in order to control the quality in image reproduction.
46 Objective:To calibrate the orbital volume variations of orbitozygomatic fracture patients in order to get the critical value for prospective evaluate the incidence of postoperative enophthalmos.
47 As a case study, a grouped method to calibrate synthetic seismogram with complex geology has been approached in Gunan-209 area.
48 A new method to calibrate a large aperture infrared opto-electric system by using a small aperture illumination collimator is introduced in detail.
49 To calibrate and compensate the compass error of magnetic heading in a carrier with constant pitch angle, the deviation compensation algorithm(DCA) for magnetic deviation compensation is put forward.
50 You are about to calibrate your scanner. Please insert the calibration card face up, with the arrows pointing towards the scanner.
51 Equipment technicians install, train, calibrate, and maintain a cadre of fast-evolving medical equipment, such as PET/CT scanners and robotic radiosurgery units.
52 The observation data of rainfall, evapotranspiration and streamflow from 1979 to 1984 and 1985 to 1987 were used to calibrate and validate the modal, respectively.
53 The air calibrator was reformed as a standard air flowmeter, and it was used to calibrate other small range air flowmeter.
54 In order to calibrate the mini ESG Auto - collimating Photoelectric sensor, a special performance test system is designed.
55 A self calibration algorithm that can calibrate the sensor position in nonuniform noise fields is proposed.
56 The key of establishing a DC high voltage standard is to calibrate the DC high voltage standard divider, the main traceable device, with high accuracy.
57 Do you use accredited institute to calibrate your reference equipments?
58 Methods Calibrate the constant K of ALP with the criterion liquid of p - nitrophenol.
59 If the approximate pH to be measured is known, the electrodes should be standardized, using two values of buffer solutions to calibrate the system at each end of the desired pH scale.
60 CMM checking gauge is a general measuring instrument for CNC and CMM. Two methods to calibrate CMM checking gauge precisely is proposed in this paper. The experment results are analyzed and compared.