快好知 kuaihz

1. The cleanup of the oil spill took months. 2. The plan for a citywide cleanup was the mayor's baby. 3. No single government agency is coordinating the cleanup effort. 4. Clear skies and light winds helped cleanup crews Sunday. 5. This book really has everything: extraction; cleanup; determination. 6. For all practical purposes, the cleanup of the oil spill is complete. 7. Russia sent two ships to help in the cleanup of the oil spill. 8. The state embarked on a cleanup plan in 1994, with money coming equally from taxpayers and the sugar farmers. 9. Cleanup crews, meanwhile, skimmed oil off the water and lowered the boom. 10. Recently, the civic cleanup campaign in Dalian has been showcased in official newspapers and television broadcasts. 11. The cleanup of the oil spill was helped by good weather and a lot of dumb luck. 12. He hopes to complete the cleanup, which began in August, by the end of the week. 13. If the Giants pay for the cleanup, they will be leasing unimproved land, and the value will be lower. 14. There are many, very good procedures for cleanup, extraction and determinations in the following chapters. 15. The cleanup effort was delayed for a few days by some technical snags and equipment problems. 16. That would prompt a costly cleanup and incalculable delay in restarting the reactor. 17. Download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility package now. 18. User profile hive cleanup service version started successfully. 19. Experts came and were lauded for a successful cleanup. 20. If Casey is correct, the total cost of the cleanup would come to $110 billion. 21. The Governor has now called in the National Guard to assist the cleanup operation. 22. Michael Oxley, R-Ohio, have written a new version of the law that eases the cleanup requirements on polluters. 23. In the United States, volunteers are shooed away from spill cleanup, deemed too toxic for unprotected citizens. 24. Otherwise, polluters identified with specific sites had to pay the entire cost of those sites' cleanup themselves. 25. For the most part, there was not much to do, other than cleanup duty around the prison camp. 26. Caterers can be hired to serve food you have made and to do the cleanup afterward. 27. With visions of some touchdown-bound player slipping into ignominy, cleanup crews were quickly dispatched to clear the turf. 28. After all, if he peed or even crapped on the wooden floor the cleanup was simple. 29. Tenants pay a deposit to cover the cost of cleanup. 30. If it prevails, California taxpayers' share of the mine cleanup bill would total $ 9 billion, not counting inflation.