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(31) The wireless and the cinema gave me such enjoyment that I decided I'd become an actor, a film star. (32) Future developments include a wireless version, which is already being piloted. (33) Free wireless LANs will sooner or later encounter free-rider problems. (34) The wireless set hissed and crackled and Max Bygraves faded all away. (35) The phone box itself may be simply the centre of a wider zone in which it will offer high-speed wireless communication services. (36) It was one of the few cottages which housed a wireless. (37) It was exhilarating because they were just as good in the flesh as they were on the wireless. (38) Unwired Planet was founded in 1994 to offer an open platform for wireless Internet appliances. (39) By the right-hand door is a very early wireless set. (40) Check with wireless phone and paging companies for possible changes. (41) Regulation was the second necessary condition for the development of wireless service. (42) The 1990s have been characterized by record-breaking growth in most wireless segments, including cellular, paging, and specialized mobile radio. (43) By managing the directory, VeriSign has data it can use to market wireless communications and other services. (44) The share price was pared by confirmation it will suspend operations of its subsidiary Priority Wireless. (45) He could hear the sound of a wireless so he knew some one must be in. (46) All it requires is a Palm Pilot type device with a plug-in wireless network card. (47) She felt a sense of unreality until all the family except Tony gathered round the wireless set. (48) Within nine months, he said, the company will offer 125-channel cable on its wireless services. (49) The antennas are going up, wireless phones are in production, and the hype has begun. (50) In a nutshell, wireless operators are expected to be the low-cost providers in the video to the home market. (51) Additional features include an IrDA interface for wireless connection and a locking switch for printer transport. (52) In California wireless technology has created the latest fashion in drive-by crimes. (53) So while wireless data services may be fairly new, they appear to be logical extensions to existing and trusted services. (54) The other partners include Qualcomm, a digital wireless communication developer, and Cartell, a Michigan-based wireless equipment manufacturer. (55) There was no electricity, no plumbing, no telephone, no wireless, no phonograph, no nothing. (56) Also, through creating uniform network standards, it makes it easier to use wireless services nationwide. (57) Object-oriented programming received 16%, up from 14% in the autumn, but wireless communications fell two points to 12%. (58) The vulnerability of data communications and message data to interception is exacerbated with the use of distributed networks and wireless links. (59) The company said it plans to offer wireless telephone service beginning Thursday, with discounted packages of local and long-distance calling. (60) Soon after Guglielmo Marconi discovered wireless communication, dabblers throughout the world began puttering with transmitters.