understood造句181 In the developing concepts of a machine aesthetic, these artists fully understood its relevance.
182 Surely it is time that breweries understood the importance of their Victorian pubs, and turned to conservation rather than mutilation.
183 I remember, during arguments with my father, there seemed to be arbitrary rules, which I never understood.
184 It is this which makes a patterned woven carpet something special, a point not always understood by the customer.
185 Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.Helen Keller
186 It is understood that the poor attendance and violent behaviour among students were still prevalent.
187 I took with me a very young airman from the engineering wing and I understood that it was his first flight.
188 If a man cannot understand the beauty of life, it is probably because life never understood the beauty in him.Criss Jami
189 I could find no one among my internationalist new acquaintances who understood what was happening in my country.
190 Fitness differences are best understood as reproductive expectancy differences analogous to normalized life expectancy differences.
191 Theresa Marino thought she understood parishioners' reservations about engaging the abortion issue.
192 This section will therefore only touch on some of the techniques which have become better understood as the result of scientific research.
193 But the role of the fungus in causing human disease is less well understood.
194 I finally understood what true love meant...love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be.Nicholas Sparks
195 But it is better understood as a shift in the continuity-producing frame.
196 It was the booze talking, John understood that, but he still felt baffled and ashamed.
197 Perhaps one did not want to be loved so much as to be understood.George Orwell
198 The information should be in a publicly accessible and easily understood form.
199 Suddenly he understood why wars were fought and how it was with buddies willing to heave themselves on to bouncing hand grenades.
200 She understood him perfectly: he believed in her not only as a woman, but as an artist.
201 It is essential that sections 0404 and 0405 of this manual on Investment Advertisements is read and understood before placing any advertisements.
202 I have suffered from being misunderstood, but I would have suffered a hell of a lot more if I had been understood.Clarence Darrow
203 Crumwallis - I would bet - was sexually attracted, whether he understood that himself, or not.
204 Instead, when fully understood, the apparent contradiction may reveal a new causal factor that was not considered before.
205 In human intercourse the tragedy begins, not when there is misunderstanding about words, but when silence is not understood.Henry David Thoreau
206 Style may crystallize into persona and persona be understood as a public presentation of a particular type of social being.
207 I understood exam stress thanks to you - my daughter took me to the exams to help keep me calm.
208 He never really understood the anger and impatience of black activists in the 1960s.
209 Referee Alf Buksh is understood to have complained in his match report of being verbally abused by officials from both teams.
210 He understood what had driven the cavemen, and the barbarian, because the same passion was driving him.