contraction造句271 In the lithogenous process, dysfunction of gallbladder contraction and change of bile component interact, contributing to cholelithic forming.
272 A sudden, involuntary, spasmodic muscular contraction causing severe pain, often occurring in the leg or shoulder as the result of strain or chill.
273 Even at the loudest fortissimos, the muscular contraction is instantaneous and as brief as possible.
274 The second is to be scared of success, which leads to "resolute contraction" and Right deviationist mistakes. That's just AS bad.
275 More than 100 years ago, Marx has researched on credit theory, he systematically explained the reasons for credit expansion and credit contraction based on previous, and put on his own views.
276 Signal transduction pathway mediates motilin - and gastrin - induced contraction of antral smooth muscle cells was investigated in rats.