decidedly造句91. Generally, deb balls are a fixture of the upper and decidedly not us.
92. "Because he's the greatest teacher in the history of China! " exclaims a brown-haired girl with decidedly European features. She too is speaking Mandarin.
93. This has made him the ideal investor a decidedly downbeat era.
94. This verb is decidedly to be found in very good company nowadays.
95. Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation. -Thomas Huxley.
96. And the reaction in the land of capitalism red in tooth and claw? Decidedly sniffy.
97. The worst sign of age was in the fabric which looked decidedly ancient.
98. Nope, instead all this voodoo-inspired wonder hails from decidedly un-tropical Sweden, courtesy of mischievous newcomers Goat.
99. It is decidedly rude to make grammatical or spelling mistakes in ane - mail .
100. So are the traffic lights, even though they look decidedly green to uninitiated outsiders.
101. Simon Mann, who goes on trial in Equatorial Guinea today, is an Old Etonian adventurer who has spent most of his decidedly mixed career in the murky world of special forces and mercenaries.
102. After a near bubble last year, the Beijing real estate market was decidedly cool at the beginning of the New Year – partly due to the expiration of a turnover tax exception.
103. It is the culmination of a decidedly strange year for Americans.
104. There is also a fragment of a letter by Priscillian which is quoted by Orosius, a decidedly hostile witness.
105. Despite her religious upbringing, Aileen was decidedly a victim of her temperament.
106. At that time his music was influenced by some Western art rock groups and avantgarde artists. His deep voice together with his decidedly underground electric guitar sound established his unique style.
107. Terry intuitively reciprocates and becomes frustrated and conflicted by his decidedly unprofessional feelings for her.
108. Back in 2002, in a much-publicized debacle, the copy-protection scheme Sony used was undermined in a decidedly low-tech way: You simply needed to draw a line around the CD with a magic marker.
109. And most of you will never have any reason to use it. It's just an app that saves people time—and the people, in this case, are the decidedly unsexy demographic: finance professionals.
110. Demographic forces are decidedly in favor of soccer's eventual success in the land of the forward pass and the knuckleball.
111. When humans fished, we still went out into the wild, braved the elements and brought back decidedly undomesticated animals for dinner.
112. World trade has expanded at twice the rate of output and national governments have slowly but decidedly given up their protectionist policies to engage in the new global markets.
113. "A film like 'There Will Be Blood' is decidedly un-American," he said.
114. Representatives of the other branches adopted a decidedly different view.
115. And all of a sudden, that gimcrack knocks my window and decidedly came to pick me up without even telling me.
116. Aunt Chloe set a chair for her in a manner decidedly gruff and crusty.
117. This decidedly wintery album was recorded in the scorching heat of an unusually warm Seattle summer.
118. As President, Obama has emerged with a decidedly ambitious agenda, and an all-out first-year push for universal health care, the goal that eluded five of his Democratic predecessors, is part of that.
119. After the Wannan Event, in inferior position, the CCP struggled against the retroaction of Kuomintang decidedly.
120. Scientists have long known that some decidedly nonsexual things can get our brains going.